✨Chapter 32✨

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A'lyric touched her hair in the mirror. She decided to wear her natural hair today and she looked pretty cute.

She wore a tank top, shorts a cardigan over it and some white one's. "Where you going looking cute? And you let your hair down." Naomi smiled leaning against her door frame.

"Thanks and to O'shea's rehearsal." Naomi nodded. "So there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Naomi said. Lyric nodded adding some earrings.

"It's about Khaleesi." Lyric frowned. "What about her?" She asked. "...Did you know she was sleeping with Liam?" Naomi asked. Lyric's eyes widened. "Uncle Liam?"

Naomi nodded. "Yea." "No, and if I did I would've told you.. So that's the dude she be sneaking off with." Lyric mumbled shaking her head.

"Yea and she lied about her age, look, im not gonna tell you to stay away from her like your father did but that girl is bad news." Lyric nodded.

"She used Liam for money, not for fun but to help her mom out but I still don't think it's right." "Yea ill talk to her about it.. you know she's just sixteen."

Naomi nodded. "Yea but she's fully aware of her actions, you weren't having sex at sixteen and hopefully you aren't now." Lyric stayed silent and added some lip gloss.

"I still think she had a good reason to, but she's still young.. she'll learn." Naomi nodded in agreement. "Right." Lyric cleared her throat and walked out of the bathroom.

"Are..you having sex?" Lyric swallowed hard. "You can tell me." Lyric looked down at her purse and threw her phone inside. "I'll take that as a yes." Naomi sighed.

"Are y'all using protection?" Naomi asked. "Yea." 'Sometimes' She thought.

"And O'shea is the only one right? Or was it other people?" "O'shea's my first and only." Naomi nodded taking a sigh of relief.

"Thank God, just don't get pregnant.. you have your whole life to think about." Lyric nodded. "Okay, I should go he's gonna be mad at me."

"Be back before twelve." "Got it, love you." "You too." Lyric pulled her keys out and got to her car. When she was halfway their Khaleesi called her phone and Lyric sighed.

She stopped at a stop light and answered it then put her on speaker phone. "Hello?" "Lyric?" Lyric raised a brow. "Yea?"

"I just wanted to let you know that your Mama is a snitch and I wonder how she found out about Liam and I." Lyric scoffed. "Excuse you?"

"You heard me, tell your mom to stay the hell out of my buisness, y'all know nothing about me."

"Look bitch, you never should've been fucking on a married man.. my Mama can do whatever the fuck she wants." Khaleesi laughed.

"We'll just see about that, thanks to you I can't even get out of the house." Lyric started driving again.

"Thanks to me? Little girl you got yourself into that situation, you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.. you sixteen and busting your legs open for cash. You got community pussy." Lyric said calmly.

"Fuck you!" "No not me.. Don't act like you ain't itching and burning down there hoe. Don't ever call me over some bullshit." Lyric rolled her eyes and hung up.

"Bitch." She rolled her eyes hard and found a parking spot. She killed the engine and laid back thinking. She didn't really have any friends, Marisol and them were cool but she wasn't close to them at all. She missed Taylor.

She blinked her eyes a couple times before walking into the building. Lyric walked inside the auditorium and smiled a little when she saw O'shea talking to the cast.

He decided he wasn't gonna be in the play but just direct it with Sean's help. "No-no-no, Jake.. what exactly are you thinking of right now?" O'shea asked. Jake shrugged.

"Nothing." Lyric took a seat and folded her legs. "Exactly, give me more..soul you know, like, you gotta mean every word and feel it. Your character is confessing his love."

Jake nodded. "Okay." "Look at you Mr. Director." Lyric said getting O'shea's attention. O'shea smiled widely. "Hey Pooh."

"Hello." He kissed her lips five times and smelled what she had on. "Chanel?" Lyric nodded. "Mhm, you like it?" "Hell yea but-" He looked down at her outfit.

"Shorts?" Lyric rolled her eyes. "It's hot outside." "So? You thick as hell and you showing these niggas what's mine?"

"Here you go, okay I won't wear them anymore." "But only around me right?" O'shea smiled and Lyric playfully rolled her eyes again. "Yes only around you."

"Cool." Lyric shook her head and kissed him again. "I missed you." O'shea opened his mouth to speak when one of his people spoke again. "O'shea we need you over here."

He sighed. "I gotta go." Lyric poked her bottom lip out. "Noo." "Yesss, at our break we'll get something to eat okay?" Lyric folded her arms and pouted like the spoiled brat she is.

"Fine." She mumbled. O'shea smiled and tried to kiss her but Lyric moved her head away. "Fine be like that." He pretended to walk away when Lyric grabbed his hand and kissed his lips.

"Don't take forever im hungry." O'shea smirked. "Aight." Lyric sat back and watched him work. She didn't know how she got so damn lucky.


"My Mama asked if I was having sex this morning." Lyric spoke as they ate in O'shea's car. They were always eating. O'shea raised a brow and looked up at her. "What did you say?" He asked.

"I didn't say anything but she figured it out." Lyric shrugged. "She flipped out when I told her I slept with more than one guy." O'shea furrowed his eyebrows.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He asked. "Hm? I said she didn't flip out when I told her it was you." Lyric tried to say with a straight face. She tried real hard not to laugh because he looked pissed.

O'shea took a deep breath and sat his foot in the window. "I'm gonna kill you." Lyric smiled. "Baby I'm just playing." "Well you play too damn much, you be giving me a headache."

He huffed and sat back in his seat. Lyric poked his side and O'shea moved a little making Lyric smile. "That's my job." "Whatever, you get on my nerves."

Lyric grabbed his face. "You get on mine to, but I still love you Shea Bear." He waved her hand away and Lyric laughed and sat her food down.

"So how's your play going?" She asked leaning against the window and folding her arms. "It's cool." "You should let me try out, could let us spend more time with eachother."

O'shea smacked her lips. "You can't act." "How would you know that?" "Because you can't even lie.." "And what does lying have to do with acting?" O'shea laughed.

"If you have to ask." She pushed him. "Shut up, but can I atleast try?" O'shea sighed. "It's hard saying no to you sometimes." Lyric smiled. "Sooo, is that a yes?" She asked.

"Alright." Lyric smiled and clapped her hands. "But no funny buisness." Lyric raised a brow. "Funny buisness?"

"You know what I mean." Lyric nodded. "Okay no funny buisness." "I'm serious, this is important." Lyric nodded. "Got it, I completely understand."

O'shea nodded. "I hope so." Lyric winked at him and laid her feet on his legs.


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