“Give me a tenner and I’ll do it.” Matthew bargained, I knew from past experiences that this was a low as he would go and he was serious so I sighed and walked back to my room retrieving my purse and fishing out a crinkly ten pound note, chucking it in his direction. Matthew looked up at me and grinned, grabbing his keys from a pile of rubbish and gliding past me, leaving me to rush after him and in to his cringy ford focus that he preferred to call ‘ol’ Bessie’ or ‘the lady magnet’ although I could hardly see the truth in that.

“Alright, don’t be out too late kid.” Did he just call me kid…? He summoned for me to get out the car, laughing at the comment he made, which he was right to I suppose, I’d be home by half nine, it was a school night after all. I watched as he sped down the road, music suddenly blaring much louder than before as it drained out of sight.

Louis opened the door before I had a chance to knock, welcoming me in, as he usually did, he led me down to the games room, everyone already seemed to be there, I spotted Ben in the corner, so ran over to him enveloping him in a warm hug.

“Soph! Hey come sit next to me!” He beckoned shuffling over so I could fit between him and Louis, and so the card game began, as Ellie, a girl in the year below us, dealt out the cards, smiling at each of us rather creepily every time she handed us a card.

“Sophie, Liam told me you’re joining the yearbook?” Danielle smiled at me, I nodded excitedly, I wasn’t going to let Nialls snide comments ruin my vision for the rest of the school year, no way. Danielle was always so nice and accommodating, she’d been going out with Liam for a good year now, he’s one of Louis’ best friends, so automatically Danielle has always tried to be close with me, but I’ve never really been great at keeping girls as friends, too much hassle, I get bored with the idea of makeup, let alone shopping and talking about boys all day long.

“Well you and I can spend a load of time together, Liam and I are in it to, it’s so much fun, I suppose it will be even better now that you’re going to be there with us!” She jumped, getting quite excited as she checked over her playing cards.

“You’re joining the yearbook?” Ben mumbled in my ear, he didn’t go to our school, his mother shipped him off to some school for the talented and gifted when he left primary school, we’d all stayed friends, but a lot of Ben’s confidence disappeared when he left.

“Yeah I thought it’d be fun, it is our last year after all.” I replied turning to him smiling.

After the card game, Ben and I stayed behind to help Louis clean up the mess the others had left and then said goodnight, after I’d made my usual plans to meet Louis in the morning.

“Shall I walk you home?” Ben asked quietly as we lingered at the point where we both are supposed to go our separate ways. I shrugged my shoulders at him as he ran his fingers through his hair. Bens hand flew to mine, grabbing it as he walked me down the road towards my house.

I didn’t mind letting Ben walking me home, he was strong kid who could easily defend himself, he’s done kickboxing for as long as I can remember and once hit a kid who tried to make fun of his clothing choice.

“I’ll leave you here then.” Ben smiled, his eyes staring just above mine, that was the polite way apparently, he’d told me many times to never make eye contact with someone whilst speaking to them, always look just above their eyes, I found it a bit weird really.

“Alright I’ll see you Saturday Benny.” I chuckled, he cringed at the nickname, and shook his head, making me feel stupid, he bent down and gave me a quick peck on the lips before rushing off down the opposite road, leaving me at the top of mine.

I pulled my cardigan around my body as I walked down the long road, it was dark and I was growing tired by the point where Niall ran up alongside me.

“Look who it is.” he remarked staring in front of us. “Boyfriend couldn’t be bothered to walk you all the way?” he added laughing.

“Leave Ben alone, and leave me alone.” I snapped, quickening my step so I was a few feet in front of him, but he quickly caught up, laughing at my attempt to get away from him.

“You’ve changed.” He accused, still staring at the road in front of us, I looked up at him angrily, as a smirk appeared on his stupid pierced face.

“Oh and you haven’t?!” I argued, adding more space between us, although it was hard to get too far away as the pavement was so narrow.

“No,” he denied “I’ve developed, you see there’s a difference between changing and developing.” his voice sounded so smug, as he went on, he’d developed in to an arsehole if that’s what he was referring to.

“One can develop their ways, but not change who they are, like me, whereas others can change everything about them, transforming them in to something an old friend would never recognise.” He explained, once again picking the dirt from under his nails, it grew silent for a minute before he added, “That’s you.”


“You’re infuriating.” She muttered under her breath.

“I’m telling the truth.”

I was telling the truth, she used to be a free spirit, nothing like her mother, not a care in the world, she used to be fun, now, I couldn’t even see a glimpse of the old Sophie winters, only this new changed one.

“You’re being a jerk.” She countered, I chuckled at her attempt at an insult, although she couldn’t see the laughing matter.

“Just because you can’t handle the truth.” I mumbled under my breath, I’m sure she heard, but chose not to act on my childish antics. As I approached our houses I could see her quickening her step again, which I only copied to annoy her even more. I enjoyed annoying her, there was something indescribable about it that I found incredibly amusing. I turned in to my drive way without her even noticing, although her head soon appeared next to mine on the opposite side of the fence as she unlocked her pristine white door.

“Good night Sophie May.” I said before walking in side.

I made my way up to my room, kicking the rubbish aside as I plunged in to my bed; it was better than that shit at st Michael’s boarding school. Within a couple of minutes I saw Sophie’s silhouette appear in the window adjacent to mine, I watched as the figure to its top off and dropped it to the floor, then I watched as the light turned off. I waited a minute until I flicked my light off, and then back on, and then off, until the light in the room flicked back on and the blinds being closed tighter than they had been previously, then the lights turned back off, and I chuckled at how little effort was needed to piss her off.


Such a stupid jerk.

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