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Unnecessary a/n: I'm writing this while sat in a bath that smells like jaffa cakes 😂😘

"Why the fuck are they here?!"

"I have no idea"

"Do we confront them?"

"I think we should"

"Or we could act like they aren't there and ask them come round by calling them and see how they react and if they lie"

"Sure sound good"

We both walked back to my room and I started by calling Ellis.

Samantha Ellis

Hey Ellis

Hey Sam what's up

I was wondering if you could come round if your not busy I need to tell you something

Erm okay sure

Are you with phil just wondering

No why

Cause I want to talk to him and if you were with him you could tell him

I can call him for you if you want

No no you just get dressed and all that then come round to mine in about 15 min

Oh okay


I ended the call and dan went on to call phil. Let's see if their stories line up.

Dan Phil

Oh hey dan

Hello erm can you come round to sammys

Is something wrong

No no nothings wrong I just want to talk but I'm round at Sammys

Okay sure how long

About 15 minutes

Okay sure

Are you with Ellis


Just wondering are you with her

With as in dating or with as in we are chilling together

Chilling together you spoon

Alright no

Okay but yea come round in about 15 minutes

Okay I'm gonna shower first

Alright see you


"What the hell was all that about"

"Maybe there's something they aren't telling us...well apart from the fact they are sat on your sofa downstairs"

"Yea weird"

"Anyways let's go confront them"

Dan grabbed my hand and kissed the back then let go and we went and stood at the top of the stairs and stared at them. Dan had his arms crossed and I had my hands on my hips. We both slowly walked down the stairs. We walked and stood behind them and they somehow didn't notice us. We were both stood with our hands by our sides by now so I grabbed dans hand for reassurance. He had a slight worried look on his face.

I tapped Ellis on the shoulder and she hesitantly turned round to create direct eye contact. Phil also turned round and looked.

"So have long you been here" I asked.

"We just got here" Ellis replied.

"so the people me and dan saw sitting in the exact place you are sitting now BEFORE we called you both were just holograms then"


"Why were you here then"

"We thought we would come make sure everything was okay"

"And why did you think things wouldn't be"

"Phil messaged me saying he was worried cause Dan just walked out without saying anything "

"Fair enough"

"So what did you want to talk about"

"Ill tell you in a minute but do you want coffee either of you"


I went to the kitchen and put on two coffees and Dan went to get our coffers from my room. I handed the coffees to Ellis and Phil and sat on the sofa opposite as Dan sat next to me and handed me my coffee.

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