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      I race across the roof of a building, chasing the jet black pickup truck speeding down the street. Pedestrians bolt to the sidewalk, screaming in fear.

"Take the left side!" One of my friends shouts up to me as I run across the roof. I look down and nod at them as I get to the edge of the building. Without stopping, I leap to the building next to it. I fly through the air and put my shoulder to the ground. I hit the asphalt of the roof and roll forward. I get back on my feet, still running. I catch up with the speeding pickup now, and I leap off of the right side of the building and fall down every story and land on top of the car. Money flies out of a bag that was thrown in the back of the pickup. One of the robbers notice me and begin swerving the car left and right. I start to fall off but quickly clutch onto the roof of the truck. I then hold up my left fist and slam my knuckles into the roof, causing it to split open. I drop into the car, landing in the middle of the two front seats. Both of the robbers see me and freak out.

"Ha, ha, miss me?" I chuckle, looking at the two of them.

Suddenly, the car screeches to a stop and the driver opens the door and begins to race out. The robber in the passenger seat does the same, and I jump out after them. The two men run down the street, lugging the bags of cash. Then, one of my friends appears in a black flash in front of the driver with his arm outstretched to his right and his hand clenched in a fist. The robber slams into my friend's arm and falls to the ground, knocked out.

"I'll take that, thanks!" He says, grabbing the bags of money from his limp arms.

Then, I hear police sirens blare in the distance. They can take care of the robbers once we're done with them. And out of the blue, another of my friends speed into view and stop right in front of the thief. He raises his arms and holds his hands out at the robber. The robber stops and begins to drop the bags. As soon as he puts his hands down, the robber grabs the bags and begins to run away. My friend immediately brings his arms back up and out of them shoot freezing snow that hits the robber in the back. He shoots up and slams into the ground, getting knocked out . . . along with a few of his teeth. The police cars speed up to us and stop in front of my friends. A female cop and a male cop get out of the police car holding guns. They collect the knocked out thieves and bring them to the police car. At least they recognize that we aren't the bad guys here. The male cop goes into the car, but the female cop stays out.

"May I ask who you are?" She asks, walking up to us.

"We're the X-Team, Ma'am," I inform her. She tips her hat and gets into the police car and they drive away. Another day saved, thanks to us. 

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