Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Abby’s pov

Watching Henry deep in his comic I knew there was no chance in hell I was going to get any sense from him, the only reason Harley got any kind of reaction was because she broke his concentration. That boy honestly where he got his love from comics from was beyond me, neither myself or Milo had never been into comics but I have to say my little Henry was the most unique child of ours. Aside from being the only one with dark hair like his daddy he didn’t look like either of us but more like his Nana Céline which she was delighted by being that all her kids looked like their dad.

Seth on the other hand was still and as much as he shouldn’t be was totally under Harley’s spell. It was as if from looking at her on that first day, he was hooked that child was definitely a Bassett. She might be quiet and shy like me but I knew my daughter underneath it all she was a natural born leader, she was calm, collected and cool headed. She always did everything anyone asked of her and more. hHr only downfall was she was too calm too collected, I saw how the others treated her and it took all my strength not to go down to that school and rip the little gits apart bit by bit.

I wasn’t stupid I knew it cut her up inside especially her own family ignoring her, I’ll give it to Harry at home it was just like they were kids again laughing and joking she was her usual self but at school he ignored her and worse still he let the others ignore her not doing anything when Hayden and her little posse insulted her constantly.

It didn’t matter how many time I tried to talk to that girl she would not listen, Hayden was a law unto herself I was just glad she wasn’t one of the twins because there was no in hell she could run this pack. Don’t get me wrong she was my daughter and I loved her with all my heart but she was one nasty sixteen year old, I only hoped she would outgrow her bitchyness when she left high school.

I’d tried talking with Harry too but it was like trying to squeeze blood from a stone, I tell you I never realised having three teenage kids would be such hard work, I assumed the baby part was the hard bit and as they go older things would get easier especially with the twins and Hayden only having a year between them but things were getting harder, between trying to rain Hayden in, keep Harrys temper in check and make she Harley was ok I was sure I was going grey. I chuckled inwardly thankful any grey hairs that did rear their ugly heads would be disguised by my blonde hair

I snapped out of my daydream when I heard Harry come down the stairs and start talking to Harley at the door like he always did when they were alone. Two peas in a pod my twins even if in public they had very different ways of showing it. They both needed to switch dominant personality’s over. Harley needed some of Harrys temper and dominance and Harry needed some of Harley’s subdued calmness. They both had it in them it’s just the wrong parts of them had decide to play the biggest part in them.

I heard the door open

“Haz, I love you” I heard Harley shout making my heart soar at how much they loved each other, even if it was a secret amongst them

“Love you too Har” he shouted back grinning and walking into the kitchen as she closed the door

“Yo yo big momma what’s up?” he grinned like an idiot doing exactly what his sister did and headed straight for the coffee pot

“Hey young man less of the big” I joked turning around to face him only to feel my stomach do back flips when I saw his back facing me, his scar, the one I gave him staring right at me. I shuddered reliving the day seventeen years ago, I could feel the colour draining from my face, after all these years you’d think I’d get used to seeing them but no. As they got older instead of shrinking the scars got bigger, they grew as the twins grew and poor Harley got it worse I don’t think I’d seen her out in a strappy top or a dress since she was about ten.

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