Chapter Fifteen

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They get to the park and Henry rushes over to the pond, beginning to feed the ducks with the bread they brought with them. Regina and David sat down onto the bench across from him and Regina dazed in awe as she watched her soon.

Everything was still so unreal to her and she couldn't believe her son was really here, with her. She knew her poor excuse for a ex husband would arrive soon and take him back away from Regina but she was happy and content for now spending the last few hours with Henry.

"So? Do you think you're going to be okay later?" David said turning to face Regina but she just continued to watch Henry.

"Yeah..I mean it was bound to happen eventually wasn't it, although I'd do anything to let Henry stay here there's no way. I already tried for years battling in court to hold custody but James's lawyer were just to strong and he won full custody.

"Something about me not being fit to me a mother.." Regina added sighing as she bowed her head.

"Hey, hey look I think you're more than perfect to me a mother. Just look how you've been with Henry he's probably having the time of his life right now being with you. Don't forget that" David exclaimed.

"I guess you're right, still I don't know how I'm going to cope losing him again. It was hard enough the first time.." Regina said her voice breaking at the end.

"Listen, I will stay with you all if you'd like and be here when James arrives maybe I can speak to him and sort something out?" David questioned but Regina just stared at him.

"Yeah like that'll do anything, David I really appreciate your hard efforts but I've tried to 'speak' with James for the past few years now and there's no getting anywhere with that man" Regina explained laughing thinking back to all the times she'd tried before.

God there was a point when she was so low she even begged James to come back and be with her again, saying she couldn't cope without them both. Obviously he had just stamped straight on her heart but it was worth the try at the time.

"Wanna go hone? Take your mind off things for a while and we can maybe watch a movie or something?" David questioned and Regina nodded before they got up, David clasped his hand round Regina's and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Henry!" Regina shouted as she viewed over to the pond looking for Henry.

"Henry!..Henry?" Regina shouted once again beginning to panic now.

"Henry! It's not funny dear, where are you, quit hiding now it's time to go!" Regina scolded but Henry was no where to be seen.

"Henry.." Regina said one last time.

"David.." Regina said turning to view up at David who looked just as panicked as her.

"Regina..look calm down" David said clutching round Regina's shoulders trying to calm her down.

"David..David! I've lost my son he's gone where the hell is he?!" Regina shouted even louder a few people walking past looking over.

"No, no Regina look we'll find him okay. We just need to look" David said calmly trying to stop Regina from dreaming out.

"Oh my god, oh my god James. James! James will be here soon and I've lost our son. Oh shit, shit, shit, shit" Regina exclaimed as she began to rush off.

"Regina wait!" David shouted as he ran after her.

She couldn't believe what was happening, she was full of panic as she ran stopping before spinning in circles in circles frantically looking for Henry. She had lost her son, not how she excepted to, not by James but by her own fault.

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