Chapter Nine

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She knew that it was stupid to be crying and that she needed to pull herself together but she couldn't. After everything that had happened recently with David she had completely forgotten about him and Snow, and seeing them together made it feel like her heart had just been shattered into a million pieces.

She had no idea how she was going to be able to act around them now after this, if seeing them for only a second made her rush off like this how would she cope at meet ups?

Regina sighed before wiping her eyes with some tissue and going over to the bathroom mirror. She stared at herself staring back, her eyes were puffy and mascara had stained underneath her eyes.

She let out a deep breath before trying to rub away at the black stains but all it did was leave a dark smudge making her look stupid. She knew she would have to go home to her makeup and sort it out, which meant going past everyone again.

She let out a deep breath before adjusting her dress in the mirror before walking back out and into the diner where everyone was now standing. They all turned to see her and Emma rushed over concerned

"Regina? Are you okay what happened back there" she questioned and Regina quickly thought of a reply

"Sorry, I guess I was just a little overwhelmed to be back that's all" she lied but Emma believed her, pulling her into a hug.

Regina played along and hugged her back, looking over Emma's shoulder to David who was stood next to Snow now staring at her.

She knew that David wouldn't believe that but she couldn't explain why just yet, not at least to everyone else anyway they wouldn't understand.

Regina put on a brave face and smiled walking more into the diner to greet and talk to other people, completely shutting away her feelings and not showing any weaknesses.

A while later into the afternoon, Regina was sat over at the table in the corner. She twirled her around the rim of the cup as she gazed out the window trailing off into thought.

"Mind if I join you?" someone said making Regina jump and snap back into reality.

She gasped in shock as she turned to see David stood above her with his hand firmly around the top of the chair.

"Uh sure" she replied and he sat down.

She knew it would be awkward now considering what happened earlier but she hoped maybe he had forgotten.

"So uh about earlier.." David said and Regina groaned in her head

"Oh nope, never mind" she thought to herself before clearing her throat and trying to think of something to say.

"Oh yeah, no that was nothing don't worry about it" she replied before picking up her coffee and taking a sip.

David continued to stare at Regina and she could tell he didn't believe her and he wanted to know the real reason

"Regina.." he said and she suddenly felt the guilty overtake her she didn't want to lie to him but she knew she couldn't tell him the truth especially since it was obvious he wanted to be with Snow.

"Its nothing, honestly" she replied coldly. David waited a while longer hoping Regina would tell him before beginning to get up from his seat looking rather pissed off

WHO ARE WE FOOLINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon