Chapter Fourteen

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Regina sighed knowing this meant that she only had a few hours left with Henry before his father would be here to take him back. It hurt to know James didn't want Regina to have him for any longer than she could until he found her address and that made her feel horrible, like she was some terrible parent.

She decided to keep it from Henry and instead try to enjoy the day with him, she went back into the living room and saw Henry still peering through the pictures but he was looking at newer ones now.

"Mum, who- who is that?" Henry said confused as his pointed at a picture of Regina and David clearly partly drunk holding around one another smiling.

Regina smiled as she made her way over to Henry and kneeled down next to him and David stood in the doorway watching them.

"That's David" Regina replied, turning back to view David who's eyes widened at the hearing of his voice

"What about me?" he chuckled as he walked over and noticed the photo in Regina's hand.

"Oh god I've never seen that photo before!" David exclaims as he takes the photo from Regina and peers at him before laughing at his and Regina's silly drunk poses.

"When was this?" David asks still laughing as Regina takes the photo back

"Uhm I think it was one of our celebration parties actually" she says as she turns back to place it back in the box and behind David's laugh turns into a blank expression as it hits him.

He remembers that photo exactly suddenly and how it was a celebration party, but it was the same one where the incident happened.

Regina clearly didn't remember as she was drunk but after that photo that is when David helped her Home and kissed her and caused James to leave.

David gulped hard as he tried to push the remembering thoughts to the back of his head before sitting down next to Regina and placing his arm around her shoulder as she began to look through more photos with Henry.

He put on a fake smile as Regina would hold up some to show David when really inside his thoughts were running wild as he continued to replay that same moment in this head again, and worried for when James arrived and how that introduction would go.

On the phone James was unaware that it was David as he had never heard his voice but as soon as he met him he would remember his face, the same face he saw pushed up against his wife's as he appeared home unexpectedly.

David let out a subtle heavy breath as he feared for the hours later when James would arrive and wondered about a plan on how to not be there when he arrived.

He thought of just leaving Regina and Henry alone for the day but Regina had already begged him to say with them and be apart of the day and he insisted on keeping Regina happy so he had to stay.

So instead he just briefed and prepared himself for later on. Just then Regina spoke and jolted David back into reality and out of his train of thought

"How do you feel about us maybe going to the park, Henry?" Regina said smiling as Henry looked up from the photos and grinned

"Yeah okay, can he come too?" he replied pointing over to David who after a while of bonding clearly liked him and Regina nodded

"Oh yes of course, It'll be just like old times" she added as she got up and packed away the photos before putting on their coats and shoes to go to the park.

They strolled along the road as Henry clasped his hand in Regina's and she smiled watching him skip along next to her.

David walked along the other side of Henry, with him in the middle and after walking with his hands in his pockets for a while he took them out, and as he did Henry clasped ahold of David's.

He peered up at him for reassurance before David squeezed his hand back and Henry smiled.

They walked along and swung Henry between them both with their arms and he squealed with joy and if you had been a passbyer you would've thought they were the perfect little family.


My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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