Chapter One

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The group were all sat at Snow's apartment trying to think of a plan to stop yet another attack on Storybrooke. It always seemed to be one after the other and this town was like a magnet to bad things.

This time it was a snow monster created by the Snow Queen and it was something to do with her trying to make Emma and Elsa find their true powers and join forces with her, something like a sisterhood.

That's what Regina remembered anyway, she hadn't really been listening when David explained what Emma had told him as she usually just blanked out whenever he spoke.

David and Regina had never really gotten along, especially since their past in the enchanted forest, but now in Storybrooke it was the same. Just not as extreme, as she wasn't trying to kill him every chance she got but instead they had managed to stay civil for Snow and everyone else's sakes.

Regina stood crossing her arms frustrated about there being yet another problem to solve while David, Snow, and Belle all sat at the table flicking through books trying to find some sort of spell to use or any ideas on how to defeat the monster.

Emma was out with Elsa trying to deal with the Snow Queen separately as they had a better understanding of what was going on and Hook and Robin were patrolling around the forest trying to track down and keep an eye on the monster and incase the Snow Queen decided to do anything else.

"This is useless we are never going to find anything" Regina huffed as she threw her arms down in frustration.

David peered up from the books and glared over and Snow noticed before rubbing his arm gently to stop him getting angry she knew how he was with Regina and she didn't feel like another argument breaking out, with a problem to fix they didn't have the time to fight.

"Come on Regina, we can't give up now. We'll find some way to defeat her" Snow said giving one of her dreadful hope speeches that Regina hated.

She rolled her eyes before turning around and trying to think of a better plan then just Snow's optimism.

Another hour went by and the group were still continuing to look but just when all hope was nearly given up, Belle shot up from her book.

"Guys I think I found something!" she shouted and Snow and David looked over and Regina made her way over curious of if they had actually found something worthwhile.

"Well, what is it?" Regina asked coldly, you could tell the frustration had gotten to her.

"It's some sort of spell...between two people" Belle continued holding her finger over the page and reading out what it said.

"It says you need a powerful sorceress and...a prince" Belle added.

Regina looked over having heard her mention something she was, but then she also noticed when she mentioned a prince. It went quiet for a moment as they all realized who that was and the three turned to stare at David who hadn't yet caught on.

"So..that means the two people are.." Belle went to say but Snow cut her off now looking at Regina and David worryingly.

"Regina and David" she said and both glared at one another unhappy with this situation.

With Storybrooke in danger the last two people who would want to work together would be Regina and David, but as the spell says the only way to defeat the monster and Snow Queen is by a power sorceress and a prince so they were going to have to put aside their issues with one another and help save the town.

The problem was they were both very blunt, arrogant people so trying to get them to work together would be a big problem in itself.

"I am not working with him" Regina snapped glaring over at David who had the same expression.

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