Chapter Six

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That night David and Regina fell asleep awkwardly trying to lay as far away from each other as possible.

The whole encounter at the check in desk didn't exactly help the situation between them and made things quite odd between the two once again.

Luckily when they got to their room no more incidents happened and everything managed to go back to normal and they began to focus more on the task again, saving the town and finding the Snow Queen.

Regina groaned as the sun glistened through the curtains and right into her eyes waking her up, she slowly opened her eyes and peered towards the window across from her and shot up concerned about her whereabouts.

She sat up hastily looking around the room forgetting where she was for a moment before turning and noticing a man laying next to her still sleeping peacefully and she panicked for a moment and thought this was something else before realizing it was David and remembering they were on a quest.

She quietly got out of bed and got ready, she briefly peered over at David once or twice unaware of it at first before realizing what she was doing.

She noticed how handsome he really was as she scanned his perfectly sculpted face as he slept. She gazed a while longer before his eyes shot open staring straight back at her and she gasped in shock and he began to laugh.

"Something catch your eye?" he teased as he sat up slowly.

Regina groaned annoyed by his precise and suddenly all she felt before had disappeared.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Regina questioned continuing to get ready while David sat behind her on the bed.

"I know you were staring at me" he shot back making Regina pause a moment and feel herself blush a little.

She questioned why she was blushing as she hid it and started to powder her face but could feel David's view darting at her in the mirror and it didn't help.

"I...I wasn't staring" she quickly replied trying to act confident but for some reason David was making her feel strange, somewhat shy around him.

"Sure you weren't, well just so you know your majesty...I don't mind" he replied as he got up and began to pull his T-shirt off and Regina's eyes widened at the sight.

She tried to stop herself but her eyes were stuck viewing his gorgeous abs but just then David turned and Regina quickly coughed and turned away grabbing at the nearest thing she could find to cover herself.

David let out a small laugh once again pulling another top over his head before putting his jacket on too.

He then turned to Regina who was busying herself away doing her makeup and he coughed to get her attention before she turned

"Yes?" she asked and David began to have a small smirk curl in the bottom of his lip before he spoke.

"Uhm..I'm about to put on my jeans so if you want to-" he went to say but Regina finished him before he could

"Yes, uh I'll go wait outside" she blurted as she quickly got up to leave

"Unless you want to stay and watch of course" he teased putting his hands onto his hips and Regina turned eyeing up his body which was now bulging his muscles from his pose before leaving.

And as she made her way along the hallway she heard him laugh from inside her room yet again, David clearly got enjoyment out it teasing Regina and she guilty didn't mind it either.

She didn't understand why she felt so odd around David and why she acted so differently. It's like when she was around him she felt she had less power or control and all that confidence she's so good at showing, disappears and she gets nervous and shy.

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