Chapter Four

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After the explanation to Snow, she had told David he needed to go to Regina and apologize and realize what he's done and find a way to mend what's happened between them.

Obviously he couldn't change what happened but the least he could do was try to mend the hatred between them both and find some resolution from it.

David decided to wait until the morning to go talk to her as he thought she'd need more time to cool down before she would actually sit down and talk with him so he went to bed, wondering what was to come of tomorrow.

The next morning David awoke feeling refreshed and ready to go to Regina's. He was unsure of how things would go down between them but he was ready to make amends with her. For ages he had no idea it was him that had caused the true fault in her life but now he knew what he had to do to sort it out.

He got ready before making his way to Regina's house, worry began to overtake him as he opened the gate and walked along the pathway up towards the porch. The sudden realization that he was about to try and sort things and how it could go in so many different directions scared him and he wondered whether his strong optimism was all too real.

He knocked on the door and stood patiently for Regina to answer.

It took a moment before the sound of heels clicked along the wooden hallway flooring and a muffled

"Coming!" was heard from inside the house as Regina made her way to the door unaware of who was on the other side.

Her thoughts were it was Emma but she was about to be shocked when she opened the door and saw stood in front of her

"David?!" She said with a stunned face, unsure why he was at her house.

After the argument the other night she assumed she had made herself clear that she didn't want to see him again but clearly heroes do not understand how to give up.

She sighed before leaning her head against her hand on the door frame and looked at him questionably waiting for David to respond.

He stood for a second before realizing she was waiting for an explanation and he blurted

"Uh I came to apologize" Regina just continued to glare at him before coming out with a mocking laugh

"Apologize? Wellllll that just fixes everything now doesn't it?" She responds sarcastically crossing her arms.

"Regina-" David goes to say but Regina doesn't listen

"No, look David I understand before you had no idea it was your fault but now you do. A simple apology isn't going to do anything. My family was ripped from me and ruined because of your mistake. Because you couldn't keep it in your pants!" Regina snapped now before trying to calm herself down.

She hadn't meant to say that last part but with the anger boiling up inside her she snapped without realizing.

She sighed as she noticed David's expression before he turned and began to walk down the porch, feeling defeat.

Regina stood a while wondering whether it was the right thing to do before thinking maybe she should at least let him explain what he had clearly come to tell her and invited him inside.

"David-Wait" she blurted and he turned back.

"Look come inside, let's talk" Regina says signaling towards the sofa in the living room.

David followed her instructions and silently made his way to the living room before sitting down. Regina walked over to the mantel piece and took off two glasses and a bottle of cider before pouring two glasses and handing one to David.

She sat down onto the sofa formally and sipped some of her cider looking at David patiently for him to talk.

"Okay, I thought everything through about what you told me and added all the pieces together. I can't say how sorry I am Regina for what I've done to you and I could never make it up to you I know that, but I don't want this to continue between us forever. I understand you have every right to hate me and please do, but I just don't want us to be the reason the town is destroyed because we couldn't be adults and be civil.

I'm not asking you to be my friend I'm just asking you to be civil with me and help me to save the town. I'm utterly sorry for what I've caused you and I can never forgive myself for doing that. If I could I would do anything to get you back your happiness or go back and erase everything that happened but as I can't for now the best I can do is try to get you your son back, or at least let you be able to see him again. I know you've been trying for years but I will make it my soul duty to find him myself and help you.

You deserve to be happy and you would've been if I hadn't ruined it, I know that, so I will not give up until you have found happiness again. It's my job to help you because I am the one who took it from you in the first place." David said.

Feeling slightly relieved he had managed to explain himself and speak out his thoughts.

Regina just sat in stare, taking in what David had said and trying to figure out how to respond.

"David..." she went to say but David cut her off now full of confidence and optimism.

"No. Regina, I promise" he finally added silencing the room and finishing off the conversation completely.

Before she could think Regina did something she never does, she shot forward and hugged David and he froze in shock obviously thinking the same thing.

She had never really been affectionate towards people, even the ones she loved so to do this towards David, the person she hated the most meant a lot.

This meant David had done something right with her, he had truly made her believe she could get her happiness back and she was eternally grateful he had put it all on himself to achieve that for her.

So the hug was real and she truly meant it, no words could explain her answer, so a hug was the way to respond.

David understood and hugged her tightly and a tear rolled down her cheek a little as she felt the emotions take over her.

Finally the two enemies of the town were starting to amend their issues and join together.

Maybe this meant the town could be saved and the grudge between the both of them could be fixed once and for all.


My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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