Chapter Thirteen

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Regina packed away the boxes as she sighed still not knowing on what to decide. She would love for something to happen between her and David but she also knew he had promised to get her family back, and she did want that to happen but maybe with some altercations now.

I mean she could still have Henry just maybe with David instead of James, he'd probably moved on anyway so maybe she should too. Regina thought to herself as she placed them back up in the attic to stop herself from browsing at them anymore, the pain was too much.

Just as she climbed up the stairs and put the box back into the attic their was a knock at the door and the door bell rang.

Regina jumped right fright, not expecting any visitors and bumped her head

"Ooh ow" she said before groaning and rubbing her head when she had knocked it on the ceiling coming down the step ladder.

Regina rushed down the steps and down stairs to the front door. She brushed herself down from messing around in the attic and sorted her hair before opening the door and peering round.

"Hello, uh-" Regina went to say but stopped dead in her tracks her mouth partially open as she scanned the person stood at the door, a small gasp escaped her mouth as her mind ran wild with all sorts of thoughts at the moment.

She lost the ability to speak and instead just stood shocked blinking trying to figure out whether she was imaging this or not. The person stood awkwardly before speaking, Regina still stood in total shock

"Hey Mum" he said.

David had been in the florists for ages trying to pick the perfect followers for Regina he wanted them to be special and perfect for her. He also decided to visit the local corner shop to get some of Regina's favorite chocolate.

As David strolled along main street towards Regina's road, the plastic bag swinging by his knees he thought about how things would be between him and Regina and whether they would work or even if she would want this after remembering about David's promise to get her James and Henry back.

David had secretly managed to track James and Henry already but didn't tell Regina as when he rang and tried to get them to visit Regina James refused and hung up so David assumed there was no chance and didn't want to break Regina's hope for them ever returning.

He got to Regina's house and made his way to the porch, he noticed someone in the living room next to Regina sat on the floor and tried to peer closer and figure out who it was.

He tried to recognize them but had no luck from behind so instead he just went up to the door and knocked. Heels were heard clicking along the wooden flooring towards the door before it opened and Regina appeared with a wide smile on her face

"David" she said before she looked down and noticed the bag in his hand, David noticed before replying

"Ah yes, I got you a little something" he said before handing her the bag and she politely took it before inviting him inside.

They walked up into the foyer before David heard a voice come from inside the living room and the person approached the door and over to Regina.

"Hey Mum, is this the time we went to the park and fed the ducks?" he said as he held up a picture to Regina and she smiled and nodded.

He didn't notice David stood there at first before he noticed and jumped in slight fright before apologize

"Oh sorry I didn't see you there" he replied and David gave him a small smile

"That's alright" he replied and Regina gazed at them both before introducing them.

"Henry this is David, and David this son Henry" she said the last part slowly like it was still surreal for those words to be coming out of her mouth.

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