Chapter Seven

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David and Regina drove along the road back towards Storybrooke from New York. The drive was taking longer than expected and they decided to stop off somewhere to rest for the night.

They pulled over by the edge of the forest and Regina got out of the car holding her hands on her hips as she did when she was either frustrated or worrying about something.

"Something on your mind?" David questioned getting out of the drivers seat and Regina spun round to face him her hand behind her neck rubbing at him in discomfort.

"What? Nothing I'm fine" she replied turning back but continuing to rub at it.

David noticed and made his way over, he knew she didn't like affection from anyone really but after the past few days he thought maybe that would change.

"Here let me" David said gently taking Regina's hand off of her neck and placing it in his hand, she turned to face him in shock at what he was doing before their eyes met and they gazed into one another's.

Regina's heart fluttered as she felt David's burning stare on her and she tried to hide it once again

"Wh-what are you doing?" she managed to question feeling her cheeks burn at the closeness between them both.

David just stared at Regina and she for a moment thought he was going to kiss her, she felt her breath hitch as he stepped closer to her still not breaking eye contact and her eyes widened wondering if she was right.

Just as he got inches away from her he placed his firm hands onto her shoulders and she looked down at them and thought confused to herself what he was doing but just then she was spun round and she began to massage her shoulders.

"That better?" David asked.

As Regina felt her cheeks reden realising how stupid she was to think he was going to kiss her she closed her eyes slowly before opening looking around them feeling like an idiot before answering David

"Uh yeah-yes" she replied.

Unsure of what he had actually just said as she was too busy screaming in her head at the way she had just acted.

"Good, worse pain ever having an ache in your neck or shoulders" David finished turning Regina back round on her feet to face him once more this time his serious face had changed to a more smiley one.

"Shall we get back on the road?" David asked and Regina sighed she guiltily was enjoying more time alone with David but she knew they had to get back to Storybrooke.

So in thought Regina just nodded and made her way back to the car, as did David.

They got in before David began to turn on the engine only for it to splutter and die.

David groaned and tried again before it repeated the same thing and he let out a frustrated groan as he smacked the dashboard

"Stupid fucking car" he shouted but noticed Regina twitch in her seat at his sudden angry outburst and reconsidered what he'd just done.

"Oh sorry Regina I didn't mean to make you jump it's just this car has been such a nuisance for a while and it was going so well before now" he replied.

But Regina gripped onto his hard forearm reassuringly

"No, no you didn't scare me, I just didn't expect such anger from Prince Charming" she joked letting out a small laugh followed by David.

"Yes well uh, even I at times can have a temper my hot headed queen" David teased back at Regina winking.

Regina felt her cheeks once again begin to heaten up as her head ran crazy trying to figure out whether David had actually just winked at her or not.

WHO ARE WE FOOLINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon