Chapter Ten

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Regina let out a deep breath before replying
"This isn't the place to say" she replied and David nodded.

"Okay, well let me go get my coat and we can go to your house? That sound better?" David questioned and Regina nodded as David turned back to grab his coat.

She felt bad dragging him away from the party as it was for him just as much as her. But she knew that she needed to tell him how she felt as she couldn't keep going on this way, hiding her feelings and trying to act normal around him.

She waited patiently for David as she stood outside, just then it began to rain.

The thunder rumbled as the rain began to pour down.

"Oh for fuck sake" Regina cursed as she fumbled around with the hood to her coat.

David came rushing out, his coat done up too but he was holding something in his hand

"Would this help?" he joked as he pushed up the umbrella and held it over them both.

"Thank you, you're my savior" Regina laughed as she finally managed to get her hood up but stood underneath the umbrella as David held it over them both.

David stood staring at Regina as she tried to dry some of her dripping wet hair, he chuckled and she looked up to notice him staring

"What's so funny?" she questioned wondering what he was laughing at.

"Nothing, it's just I'm not used to you looking messy. Normally you're so pristine and neat but now with your hair dripping and messed up you look different" he examined and Regina crossed her arms

"Oh what so you expected me to always look neat?" She exclaimed teasingly and they laughed as they began to walk down the road.

"No, it's just I didn't know there was another side to you. You know, a more adventurous side" he admitted and Regina thought for a moment what that could possibly mean.

"I can be adventurous, I went on that trip with you to New York" she explained but David shook his head

"That was only because we had to, would you go on a stakeout like that out of your own will?" he questioned fore well knowing the answer but he just wanted to see what Regina would say.

"Would you?" she shot back avoiding the question.

"Yes, in fact I would. It's fun to have a daring side sometimes you know" he replied and Regina turned to him looking annoyed

"I can have a daring side" she snapped back crossing her arms but David just laughed again.

"Oh reallyyy, well your majesty if you're so daring go and jump in that puddle" he said pointing over to a big puddle that had formed on the ground along from them.

Regina hesitated a moment before stepping from underneath the umbrella and over to the puddle.

The rain began to pour down on her but she didn't care, she was trying to prove a point and be daring.

David stood watching her as she jumped up and down in the puddle, letting it splash up her legs and over her heels.

"Happy?" she said holding her arms up in questioning before walking back over and under the umbrella.

"Very" David said smiling as they continued to walk.

Just as they got to the road before Regina's, the rain began to get heavier and the thunder rumbled louder.

They walked along past a wall where water had began to form on the bricks, David leant across and used his hand to splash the water at Regina soaking her once again.

She squealed in shock before turning to glare at David

"David!" she shouted before she shot forward and splashed him back.

They continued to splash each other back and forth before Regina began to run and David chased her. He raced up behind her grabbing her round her waist and pulling her towards another puddle, she squealed in excitement and shock as he pushed her towards it but she pushed herself up against him.

They laughed before stopping and turning to face one another, Regina looked up to see David staring down at her, they hadn't noticed but they were actually now outside her gate. David continued to gaze down at Regina but she broke the moment and walked off to go up to her porch.

David stood there for a moment feeling a little disappointed before making his way up to.

Regina stood by the doorway as David got closer and they stood there a while staring before David spoke

"Uh Regina?" he questioned standing towards her and it took her a moment to notice but she just assumed David was gazing at her for other reasons.

"The door..?" he finally explained and Regina spun round feeling like a total idiot before unlocking the door.

They got inside and dried themselves off before sitting down by the fire to warm themselves. Regina made some hot cocoa with cinnamon like she always did and placed the two mugs down onto the coffee table before sitting down on the carpet next to David opposite the fire.

It crackled as they sipped at their hot chocolate, she was too busy enjoying the company of David that she forgot the reason they had come there.

"So, Regina there was something you wanted to tell me?" David finally spoke up breaking the silence and reminding Regina who then panicked.

"Oh uhm yeah about that.." she went to say but David's face turned sour once again and he stood up

"Regina I can't keep doing this okay, you can't say you're going to tell me something and then change your mind again" he snapped and Regina felt her chest tighten; she had ruined the moment with David and managed to annoy him once again.

She got up and followed him as he made his way into the foyer to grab his coat

"David, wait no look I'm sorry okay. I know I told you I would but it's just it's-" she struggled to find the words as she got frustrated trying to explain to him but he wasn't interested.

"Look Regina no, okay if you don't want to tell me then fine don't" he snapped doing his coat up and walking towards the door.

He opened it and stepped out onto the porch as Regina rushed to the door and held it open

"David please!" she cried but he continued to walk "It's just I-I" she struggled once again but this time David turned around.

"It's just what Regina? What is it" he snapped standing on the porch way frustrated by this point.

Regina tried to explain and just snapped "Fine you want to know David? You want to know what I'm struggling so much to tell you?" she was more pissed off then worried now at this point.

She didn't even care how he reacted he was clearly desperate to know so why not satisfy his need.

"Please, tell me" David snapped back getting closer to Regina, he knew what she was going to say he just wanted to make sure first.

"Fine, I have feelings for you okay? That what you wanted to hear" Regina finally blurted out leaving them both in silence, their mouths parted their breath heavy as they had riled themselves up.

They just stared at one another for a moment as they tried to retain the information.

They were close together by this point only inches apart as Regina told him and before they could think, maybe because of the situation or the heated moment but David shot forward and grabbed Regina's face and kissed him hard.

She froze a moment figuring out what was happening before she pulled away shocked by what he'd just done.

They stared at one another for a moment the sexual tension rising before Regina grabbed him by his collar and pulled him back in for another kiss.


My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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