Chapter Three

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David brought two cups of coffee back over to the table and passed one to Snow, she took it before cupping her hands around the mug still nervous about what David was about to tell her.

"Okay.." David began to say his voice shakily.

He didn't know where to begin, he sat down and let out a huge sigh of relief before continuing.

"It all started on the 7th of December...we had been at grannies celebrating another dinner and gotten a little drunk I think. Regina had drunk a lot as she had had an argument with James that day and she was unfit to walk home herself so I offered to take her.

Everything was fine then and we walked home in the heavy snow. We got to her house and luckily she had a spare key underneath the doormat otherwise she would of been locked out, James was supposed to of taken Henry with him to visit his grandparents that weekend so she had no other way of getting in.

We got inside and I helped her take off her coat and boots before she collapsed down onto the sofa. I was worried she wouldn't be okay on her own so I waited a while, I got her a blanket to warm her up as she was ice cold and I always helped her to drink a glass of water to try and sober her up" David said reciting the story.

Snow sat patiently across from him nodding wondering what else was to come.

David took a sip of his coffee before continuing.

"Then, I don't know whether it was because of the fact she was drunk, and also that she was upset with James and Henry and me suddenly showing affection to her sparked something inside but she smiled up at me as I helped her with the glass of water before she pushed it in my hand down onto the coffee table at the side. "Thankyouuss...thankyouu for this Dav-David" Regina slurred as she tried to speak and I smiled back at her, she looked cute when she was drunk.

It was like the first time I ever saw her vulnerable side, normally she was guarded up but now she was being her normal self and I liked that. I also admit that I had, felt some feelings for her for a while and I know that's wrong but I had them way before she met James and had Henry I just never acted upon them and I was stupid for that " David began to go off.

Before he looked at Snow and noticed her looking rather annoyed before he got back onto the story.

"Right...anyway so then she continued to try and speak to me "You..yous have always been so good to me a-and i juss want you ssto know...that I like you for that maybe...even...for a while lloved you..but that doesntt masster now" Regina slurred more as she closed her eyes and smiled and I stared at her in complete shock and couldn't contain what she had just said.

I couldn't blink but instead just stared at her my mouth partially open as she opened her eyes again and noticed. Suddenly there was this tension that filled the room "You-you loved me?" I asked her but she continued to just blink not listening and before I couldn't help myself and I shot forward and smashed my lips against hers, she froze in shock before I pulled away worried about the consequences that were about to come with doing that, something had come over me and after hearing her admit I just felt overwhelmed and well..actions speak louder than words" David said.

Snow looked shocked unaware of him and Regina's past.

"And, I don't know whether it was from the feelings or just because she was drunk but either way this is where it ends bad. We were sat and I was leant across kissing Regina on the sofa when the door swung open and we heard a familiar voice"

"Regina?!" James said as Regina and I pulled away in shock to see her husband stood at the door his mouth partly open and his expression filled with anger and sadness.

Regina rushed up to him and tried to explain but he wasn't having it" "James please I..I can explain I didn't mean to- it wasn't what it- no James please" Regina cried as James swatted her away and stormed out of the house, the door slamming behind. I sat in pure shock on the sofa realising what I had just caused and that I had just taken away her happiness something that Regina rarely got and I began to breath heavily panicking.

Regina stood in the hallway tears streaming down her cheeks and I got up and tried to reassure her but something in her switched and she shoved me away. She began to shout and scream at me hitting me in the chest angrily and upset and I knew I had ruined her" David said his voice cracking a little and Snow noticed and looked at him in despair.

"So days went by and me and Regina didn't speak, I had no idea what had happened between her and James and I was an absolute mess. One day I decided to go to grannies for lunch though and on the way back along Main Street I bumped into Regina who looked shocked to see me.

I don't know how many times I must of apologised to her but I remember her saying that it was fine and that it had been sorted so I assumed she meant everything had been sorted and James had known it was me that came onto Regina and it wasn't her fault. She was drunk and unaware and I had used her vulnerability to show my true feelings, she once again said everything was fine and off she went.

Then after that we barely spoke anymore and what is now between us started there. I had no idea she had lied to spare my feelings because she knew how much it was hurting me inside and I had no idea James had actually left her with Henry...if I'd known I would've-I would've been there for her I-I don't know how I didn't know-I" David finally ended.

He couldn't speak anymore and the overwhelming past memories crawled back onto him.

Snow leant forward and clasped his hands in hers reassuringly as she realized how much pain this must make him feel.

She understood why Regina hated him so much and knew she was right to do so, but they both needed to amend their problems if the town was to be saved so she somehow was going to have to help them both to forgive and move on, no matter how hard it would be.

She sighed in her head knowing it was be mayhem but in the end maybe it would be worthwhile and something good could come between the both of them.


My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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