Chapter Five

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Shortly after David went home and felt some relief as he knew that part of his problem with Regina had been fixed. Emma and Snow had asked the group to meet at grannies later that day to explain what they were going to do about the Snow Queen problem.

The group got to grannies and David walked inside before noticing everyone already there he went and stood over by the counter and waited patiently like the others for the rest of the group.

David, Emma and Snow were already there before Zelena, Belle, Rumple, Robin and Hook turned up.

"Where's Regina?" Belle finally asked a few minutes later as she still hadn't arrived.

"Maybe she just isn't bothering to come. You know she hates these things" Hook replied and Zelena nodded

"Hook's right, I say we just start she's probably not going to turn up-" but just as Zelena went to finish her sentence the door to grannies swung open and the bell above jingled as Regina entered.

"What was that Zelena?" Regina snapped sassily before making her way over to the booth next to Snow and Emma.

"Okay let's begin" Snow said and everyone stood around to listen to the discussion and make a plan.

David and Regina kept making awkward eye contact while the discussion continued but they thought nothing of it.

"Okay, so I think the best way is if Regina and David go to New York. The dwarves have heard she is hiding out there for the time being and I think they should go down there and find her. Question her on what she's doing" Snow finally concludes.

Muttering is heard from everyone before people begin to add in.

"Yes that's a good idea, they can drive down there tonight" Emma adds.

"They can hold her up and question her while everyone else goes to destroy any other monsters she's tried to create" Hook says.

"And me and Rumple will check any books to see if there's something there" Belle adds on too.

After a while everyone has been discussing other ideas before Snow finalizes that Regina and David will drive to New York to question the Snow Queen and get some answers.

"Okay guys, you ready for a road trip?" Robin says and Regina and David make eye contact before looking away. Their relationship now was odd, they didn't hate one another but they also didn't love or like each other as friends they were more civil with each other.

So this road trip was going to be strange, the longest they had been each other's company was 2 hours at a party but that was with a lot of other people there too so it didn't really count.

The thing was they had never really been alone together before so this road trip was going to be something new for the both of them.

Later that evening they were both at Regina's house packing to go. She had decided since they were both going to be leaving later that night together they may as well pack at hers and wait there to avoid any hassle.

Something about David made her feel safe and comfortable around him now so she didn't mind the company. Her house got very lonely without James or Henry around anymore and after years she still wasn't used to it, maybe having a big house just added onto that lonely and emptiness.

After hours of packing the essential things they needed to take with them for the trip to New York Regina decided to make them some dinner.

"Do you mind Casserole? It's the only thing I can make really since I haven't been shopping yet" Regina shouted out to David.

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