Chapter Two

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Regina made her way down Main Street, her heels clicking as she stormed along the pathway making her way towards Grannies. She couldn't believe what had just happened between her and David, she didn't want to open herself up to him like that and make herself to be seen weak and vulnerable but she just couldn't hold it in anymore.

He kept pushing and pushing at her wanting to know why she hated him, so she had to let him know right? She was right to scream in his face that he was the reason her life had fallen apart...because well he was wasn't he?

The door jingled as Regina stepped inside, after that heated argument she had become a little peckish. She went up to the counter and decided to order a chicken salad, not exactly a fulfilling meal but Regina was very stern about her figure and ate only healthy food to with-stain her good body.

Granny took her order and Regina leant against the counter and peered around at the other individuals who were eating lunch in the diner before she stopped and noticed two familiar faces sat in the booth across from her. Just then they both looked up and noticed Regina with stunned expressions on their faces before Snow got up and made her way over.

Great, Regina groaned in her head, the last thing she needed right now was another hope speech from Snow, she really wasn't in the mood.

"Regina?!" Snow said making her way over
"What are you doing here? Normally it's David who arrives at the diner after your arguments" she adds.

Regina catches on wondering how often they argue and if his visits to the diner after are very consistent and noticed.

"Yes well, this time it went a little differently" Regina muttered not wanting to fully explain herself to Snow but she knew as soon as she had spoken Snow would want to know everything.

"Well What happened? You look like you've been crying" Snow said worriedly as she gazed at Regina's damp eyes.

"Nothing, I'm fine" Regina replied instantly, one thing she wasn't very good at was showing her emotions to people, and she hated people feeling sorry for her so instead of telling the truth when she is upset instead she lies and says she's fine.

Which normally works with most people but not with Snow, or even Emma.

Maybe it was something to do with that family and heroes, they're good at telling when someone is lying or is unhappy.

Snow continued to gaze at Regina not buying her reply and instead raises her eyebrow in a displeased look.

"Regina..look I know when you are lying okay. Tell me what happened with David, this isn't like one of your normal arguments is it?" Snow questioned but instead of making Regina want to tell her it was just infuriating her.

"Look, I told you I was fine okay, just leave it at that" Regina finally snapped and just then Granny walked back out with Regina's order in a brown paper bag.

Regina noticed as granny handed it over and she grabbed the bag before paying and then turned back to Snow.

"If you really want to know, why don't you ask David?" Regina spoke, turning and leaving before Snow could pester her anymore.

Leaving wondering on whether Snow would go and ask David or not.

Obviously Snow was too predictable and she did exactly what Regina said to. She knocked on the door to her apartment and David opened the door.

"Snow?" David asked noticing her expression was very angry and she signaled for him to sit down at the table.

"David would you care to explain what went on between you and Regina?" Snow questioned crossing her arms.

"What do you mean?" David asked trying to avoid the conversation.

"David you know what I mean, tell me what happened, Regina wouldn't tell me earlier and was being her closed off self but she said to ask you, so clearly something went on that you don't want to tell me, what is it? You know you can trust me for goodness sake we've been married for 2 years now" Snow snapped feeling slightly hurt David didn't trust her.

"No, I know Snow it's not that it's just..i feel like after I tell you you're going to look at me differently..I feel like it will ruin our relationship" David said guiltily.

Snow suddenly felt worry overtake her not knowing what David was about to tell her.

"This story is going to take a while so why don't I make some coffee" David said getting up to make some coffee for them both.

Snow sat nervously biting at her fingernails wondering what the story was David was going to tell.


While Regina sat at home and after that day, old wounds have been reopened and memories became to rush back. She sat in the living room with her legs crossed by the fire as she gazed through a box full of old photos and memories and stopped slowly pulling out one that had three people on.

She held the image up and sighed as she saw her, James and younger Henry being held on her hip. She smiled before tears welled up in her eyes and she put the photo to her chest and closed her eyes wishing she could have back her family and happiness again, and tears ran down her cheeks as she thought about her old life.


My other books:
Until The End
Unpredicted Love
Love That Hurts
Who Are We Fooling
Second Chances
Follow my Instagram linked in my bio, to be updated whenever I post a new chapter or need your guys's advice on something 🖤

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