"He's my kid, Ethan!"

"Okay, then. Blake give Mason back to her" He sternly said and Blake gives him a confused look but still did what he said. I now had the baby in my arms and he cried once again.

"Now, go upstairs and be the responsible mom you're supposed to be and take care of our kid. You won't call Blake up there for help. Since you don't want her to touch our kid" He said and crossed his arms over his chest.

"B-But I need to go somewhere"

"Our kid should always be your top priority. You can go wherever you were going to go, tomorrow. Don't ever disrespect Blake like that, and you should appreciate her help" he goes back to his office. Blake takes a seat and stares at me.

"Blake, please just take Mason" I beg and she laughs quietly.

"Why?" She asked

"Blake, please! I just don't know how to get him to sleep! I don't know anything about kids!"

"I don't either, Isabel. But I learned, and you should too"

"But, I'll take Mason because I don't want him crying all day" she takes him out of my arms and leaves to Ethan's office.

"Come on b, lets go!"


"I might hire nick, to be my co-worker" Ethan tells me.

"Nick? What Nick?" I asked

"Remember? The one guy Isabel suggested. He's coming over today" he responded

"Oh. Wait wanna know something?"

"Hmm" he looks at me

"Are you sure you want to retire? Just take a break. That's a family business, and you shouldn't pass it on to someone who isn't even part of your family" I say and he sighs

"You have a point but I just need time. I want to spend time with my children. Cameron is getting even more out of control. He's also getting older and I can't let him be the way that he is. I just want my kids happy"

"And having Isabel here isn't helping" I blurted.

"Oh my gosh. I don't know why I said t-"

"No. Blake you're right. But I want to make it work with her, for the sake of my kid. He deserves to have a family" I glance down at my arms and smile at the baby. Such a precious thing.

"Can I ask you something?" I say.

"Of course"

"Why did you hurt me the way that you did?" His face softened and he looks down.

"All you need to know is that I loved you. I still do Blake. What I did clearly is unforgivable. I hurt you and you still decided to be here for my kids. Which I really appreciate and love you even more for that. I can't lie to you and say I regret doing what I did, because I now have this beautiful boy. But I do fucking wish his was ours"

"What about with Grayson? Why did you hurt him?" I ask and he furrowed his eyebrows

"What are you talking about?"

"The stuff that happened with Ms. Aaliyah"

"Blake, whatever Grayson told you about me that day none of it is true. Trust me"

"I mean you have a history of lying so..."  I trail off

"just trust me on this" Bruno came in and informed Ethan that nick was here already. 
We both went in the family room and I was about to go upstairs until Ethan told me to stay.

"Good afternoon, Mr.Dolan" Nick says and they shake hands. I hold onto Mason with a hand and shake nick's hand as well. He placed a kiss on my knuckles. Well then.

"Good afternoon, beautiful" he smiles. I awkwardly smiled and I glanced up at Ethan and he had his jaw clenched.

We took a seat and they began to talk about business. I don't know why but this nick guy gave me a bad vibe. Or maybe I'm just being delusional.

"Congrats on your marriage and another blessing by having this beautiful baby" He told Ethan

"Thank you" Ethan said

"Now, what interested you to come work for me?"

"Well, when Isabel told me about this job, it was perfect for me. I've been in this type of business for years because of my father. And you Mr.Dolan are an extraordinary business man. It would be an honor to work for you" nick says.

"Wow. Thank you for your kind words. I'll happily see your paper work and get back to you tomorrow morning, for sure" Ethan tells him and nick smiles.

"You know my father actually worked for you once" Nick said

"Really? Well I hope to work with you as well. How is your father?" Ethan asked him.

"Not in the best conditions but he'll get there soon, I hope. But it was nice to finally meet you. I hope my work is remarkable, enough for you to consider to hire me" They shake hands again.

"I'm sure it will Rivera" Ethan smiles lightly and Bruno leads Nick towards the door.

"Well he was...."

"...nice" Ethan finished my sentence

"Yeah. I think." 

"Wait. I thought I gave mason to Isabel? Why do you have him?" He asked

"he was crying with her and I just had to take him back" he shakes his head

"Thank you. But next time don't. She needs to learn how to take care of our kid, because you won't always be there for her rescue or for the rest of us"


Days after the dna test and it was finally the day to see the results. My mom has been anxious these past days. Not because it's bad if Blake were to be her daughter but because she would finally have her daughter in her arms again.

Yet, I on the other hand can't wait to see that it's negative. Blake can not be my sister. She just can't. It'll ruin everything, even more.

"Okay open it mom" I tell her. She slowly opened the envelope and took the paper out. She sighs deeply before opening the paper.


Blake Diamond is my sister.

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