Chapter 29: Birthdays

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It was Friday morning. Angelica walked to the mirror that was in her room and stared at herself for a minute.
Even though it was her birthday she didn't feel any different.
I can't believe I'm 17. Angelica thought.  Damn I'm getting old.

Thomas walked into the room smiling.
"Happy birthday babe." He said handing her a muffin with a candle in it.
Angelica smiled blowing out the candle.
"Thank you." Angelica said. "Ugh I feel so old."
"Babe you're only turning 17 it isn't like your 50 yet." Thomas said.
"No not that type of old. I was alive back when Disney was good." Angelica said and Thomas laughed.

"Hurry up and finish your muffin we have school today remember." Thomas said.
"Fuck that place." Angelica said. "But I'll go because its my birthday."
After eating her muffin Angelica took a shower and then got her clothes on.
Then Angelica wore the Tiara she bought from the dollar store and put it on.
"You look wow." Thomas said when Angelica walked into the living room.
"I feel wow." Angelica said. "For once I don't feel bloated, cranky, and have to pee."
Thomas laughed.
"Speaking of having to pee I'll be right back." Angelica said as she walked to the bathroom.

When Angelica and Thomas got to school their friends surrounded them.
"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday ANGELICA happy birthday to you." They yelled/sang. Angelica couldn't really tell.
Angelica smiled.
"Girl I love the tiara." Maria said.
"Thanks." Angelica said.
"We have a little surprise for you." Hercules said smirking and Aaron held out a box of chocolate and vanilla cupcakes.

Angelica smiled and gladly took two.
Martha came pass the group. She wasn't really taking Sally's death that good. She died her hair a really dark color and she started wearing these dark sunglasses.
Angelica tried to be nice to Martha so that she would feel like she had someone to come to when she felt down. Martha always accepted the kind gesture but she still wasn't feeling better about Sally.

"Happy birthday Angelica." She said.
"Thank you Martha." Angelica said giving Martha a hug. "Would you like a cupcake?"
"Sure." Martha answered.
"Vanilla or chocolate?" Angelica asked.
"Vanilla." Martha said. "It was Sally's favorite."
Angelica felt bad but she handed Martha the cupcake.
"Listen I'm having a party later on at my house you could come if you want." Angelica said.
"Ok I'll try." Martha said.
The bell rang and all the kids piled inside of the school so that they could start their first class of the day.

It was finally 2:15 when Thomas and Angelica got out of school.
Angelica and Thomas rode in the car together and Angelica was screaming the lyrics from songs she grew up listening.
Thomas laughed. He was so lucky that Angelica was his girlfriend. He loved seeing her happy.

"Angelica go change into something nice I have to go somewhere Maria and Theodosia will be here for you at four." Thomas said.
Angelica cocked an eyebrow at Thomas.
"Where are you going?" Angelica asked.
"To the uh to get your present." Thomas lied.
Angelica smirked.
"Ok." She said.
Thomas gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"Don't burn the house down while I'm gone." Thomas said.
"Shut up Thomas." Angelica said back.

Two hours later Angelica was dressed in a white dress and a gray cardigan waiting for Maria and Theodosia to come.
The doorbell rang and Angelica waddled to the door and opened it.
"Damn girl you look awesome in that dress." Maria said.
"Yeah my aunt is pregnant and you look way better than her." Theodosia said.
Giggling Angelica rolled her eyes.
"Let's go." She said.
The 3 were in the car listening to theme songs from their favorite childhood shows.
"Angelica if this is what you're doing on your 17th birthday imagine what you're going to do on your 21st birthday." Theodosia said.
"I'm going to sit down and watch the home videos and realize I'm really getting old." Angelica said.
"Imagine what she's going to do when she turns 50." Maria said.
"Probably be having a mid-life crisis." Angelica said.

When they got to Angelica's parents house Maria and Theodosia suddenly disappeared.
"They always do this to the pregnant lady." Angelica muttered as she rang the doorbell.
After 2 minutes of nobody answering the door Angelica opened it to find it unlocked.
"My parents are dumb as fuck who leaves the door unlocked." Angelica said as she walked inside.
It was completely dark and Angelica almost tripped.
"Shit!" She yelled.
Thomas almost laughed but Aaron pinched him.

Angelica found the light and turned it on everyone jumped up and yelled surprise.
Angelica was touched yet angry at the same time.
"You guys left me out fucking side by my fucking self!" Angelica said pointing to Theodosia and Maria.
"But I love you guys." Angelica said.
Thomas ran up to Angelica and gave her a kiss.
Angelica blushed.
"Thomas and angelica sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love they skipped marriage now comes the baby in the baby carriage." Peggy sang.
Catherine hit her on the arm.
"How about we watch some home videos." Catherine said.

After watching embarrassing home videos it was now time to eat cake.
Everybody was seated when Angelica stood up.
"I have an announcement to make." Angelica said.
"Theodosia, Maria I know I said you guys can be my baby's godmother but I changed my mind." Angelica said.
"I'd like Mr. And Mrs. Washington to be my child's godmother because they are unable to have children and I would trust them with my child if anything happened to me." Angelica said.
"Angelica I I don't know what to say." Mrs. Washington said.
"How about yes." Thomas said.
"We accept." Mr. Washington said.
Everybody cheered.

"Now that that's settled let's have some cake." Angelica yelled.
Everybody dug in.


thoughts on this chapter

What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter

My grandma bought me 2 jars of pickles

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

Bye 👋

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