chapter 12: life is a fucked up mess

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"Angel don't cry." Thomas said.
"Don't tell me what the fuck to do!" Angelica said as she wiped her tears.  "Sorry pregnancy hormones."
Thomas rubbed Angelica's back.
"It's just that I feel so bad I mean Eliza is mad at me and is completely ignoring me my dad just walked out on the family because of me like it feels like I don't even have anybody on my side." Angelica said.
"That's not true Ange you have me,  peggy,  your mom and the maria." Thomas said.
"I know but my own sister hates me." Angelica told Thomas.
Thomas felt bad it wasn't healthy for Angelica to be stressing like this.
"Listen Ange how about we go talk to my parents about this trust me they won't be angry." Thomas said.

Sighing Angelica nodded. The car ride home was silent.
When the 2 got to Thomas's house Mrs.Jefferson was in the kitchen putting a lasagna in the oven.
"Mom we're home!" Thomas yelled.
"We?" She asked walking into the living room. "Oh hello Angelica how have you been?" Mrs. Jefferson asked.
"Good." Angelica answered hoping that Mrs.Jefferson wouldn't notice she had been crying.
"Mom where's dad at we have to talk to you about something." Thomas said.
"Peter come down here Thomas and Angelica have to talk to us about something!" Catherine yelled.
"We should have the talk at the kitchen table and you both should have glasses of water you're going to need it." Thomas said as he walked into the kitchen with Angelica his mom following.

"So what do you guys have to talk to us about?" Mr. Jefferson asked as he sat down.
"Well mom and dad you know that party I went to Friday night?" Thomas asked.
Mr. And Mrs. Jefferson nodded.
"Well some things happened at this party." Thomas said his heart beating.
"Thomas stop beating around the bush whatever happened it will be better if you told us now then later." Mr. Jefferson said.
"Angelica and I had sex!" Thomas yelled. "Unprotected Sex." He said.
"See we were both drunk and we didn't have enough sense to use a condomn yesterday morning I found out I was pregnant and Thomas is the father." Angelica said.
It grew silent between everyone finally Mrs. Jefferson broke the silence.
"Angelica are you feeling ok sweetie?" Mrs. Jefferson asked.
Angelica looked down.
"Actually no. My father is extremely mad at me and my sister I think is avoiding me and basically hates me." Angelica said.
"Would you like to go upstairs and talk about it with me?" Mrs. Jefferson asked.
Angelica nodded.
The 2 women went upstairs leaving Thomas and Mr. Jefferson at the table.

"Good ahead and yell dad." Thomas said.
"Son I'm not going to yell at you." Mr. Jefferson told his son. "I'm just really disappointed in you."
Thomas looked down a lump forming in his throat.
"Thomas you broke the rules big time. Drinking having sex.  Unprotected at that!" Mr. Jefferson yelled. After taking a deep breath he calmed down. "Thomas my trust for you has gone down." Mr. Jefferson said. "And it's going to take a lot for my trust to come back."
Thomas looked up at his father nodding.
"But I do support you and will help you and Angelica during this pregnancy." Mr.jefferson said.
Thomas smiled giving his father a hug.

About a few hours later Angelica received a call.
"What? Peggy ran away I'll be over there right now." Angelica said pressing the end call button.
"Peggy ran away?" Thomas asked and Angelica nodded.
"Can you give me a ride to my house so that we can look for her?" Angelica asked.
Thomas nodded.
When the 2 arrived at Angelica's house Eliza was on the front porch rubbing Catherine's back.
Angelica hopped out the car running to her mom followed by Thomas.
"Did Peggy give you any hints of where she was going?" Angelica asked.
Catherine shook her head.
"She wrote a note and must've snuck out." Catherine said. "I've contacted your father he said he's on his way."
"Well in the meantime Thomas and I will look for her." Angelica said attempting to make things right with her little sister Angelica asked.  "Do you want to come Eliza?"
Eliza didn't answer she just walked into the house.

A sinking feeling washed over Angelica but she just hopped into the car with Thomas.
"Alright where would a 12 year old girl be on a Sunday night?" Angelica asked.
"Victoria's secret?" Thomas said.
Angelica stared at him for a few seconds.
"Drive to taco Bell dumbass." Angelica snapped.

About an hour later Angelica and Thomas were ready to give up.
"Angelica why don't we give up just go home." Thomas said.
"No there has to be another place we can look." Angelica said. "Central park!" Angelica yelled.  "Back when peggy was little we used to take her to central Park she would always be this tree she claimed that was her there.  The tree was really tall and wide."
"Oh ok." Thomas said.
"What the hell are you doing curly sue get your ass moving." Angelica said.

When the 2 made it to central Park Thomas put his flashlight on so that the 2 could see.
"Peggy!" Angelica yelled. "Peggy where are you!"
"Angelica is that you?" Peggy yelled back.
"Yeah Thomas is with me where are you?" Angelica asked.
"At the oak tree." Peggy answered.
Angelica found the sound of Peggy's voice until she saw Peggy sitting in front of the oak tree.
"Thomas go the car we'll be there soon." Angelica said.
Thomas nodded and left.

"Peggy mom, dad and Eliza are worried about you." Angelica said.
"No they aren't nobody in that house cares about me except you." Peggy said.
"Peggy that is not true. Everybody is just going to a rough patch right now. Mom is crying right now because you're gone." Angelica said.
Peggy looked down.
"How do you think she feels Peggy her husband walked out and then you ran away I think mom suffered enough today." Angelica said. "And to make it worse her oldest daughter fucked up her life. I think if you came home everybody will be happy." Angelica told Peggy.
Peggy smiled and gave her sister a hug.
"I love you Angelica." Peggy said.
"Love you too pegs." Angelica said.  "Now let's go home."

When the 2 got home Catherine ran up to Peggy and gave her a big hug Phillip did the same.
"Mom dad I'm fine Angelica found me." Peggy said.
Peggy ran up to Angelica and gave her a hug.
"Don't touch her angelica." Phillip said. "Don't you see you're ruining this family you cause Peggy to run away Eliza to get all depressed and your mom hysteria you need to leave."
"You know what dad!" Angelica yelled.  "Fuck off!  You should be supportive Peggy is supportive mom is supportive Thomas's parents are if you can't support your own daughter then you are one shitty dad!"
Angelica walked inside slamming the scream door.

Oh shit

Phillip wth man

What do you think is going to happen in chapter 13

My back keeps cramping and idk I hope I don't get my period early I swear if I do pray for me guys

Most likely will update tomorrow


Dangerously in love Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora