chapter 9: Things don't look so hot

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"What do you mean I might be pregnant!" Angelica yelled tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm only six fucking teen!"
Maria rubbed Angelica's back.
"Angelica you need to calm down-"
"How am I supposed to calm down when a small human could be growing inside of me!" Angelica yelled.

"Angelica you need to calm the fuck down!" Maria yelled. "I'll go to the store get you some pregnancy tests."
"Then what if I'm pregnant." Angelica said.
"Then we'll take it from there." Maria said as she gave Angelica a hug.
"Listen everything is going to be by ok." Maria said.

At walgreens Maria was confused she didn't know what to get. After going on Google she picked out the most expensive pregnancy test on the rack.
When she got to the cash register the saleslady kept staring at her.
"Is their something wrong?" Maria asked.
The saleslady was quiet for a minute before speaking up.
"Aren't you sixteen?" The Lady asked.
"Yes I am." Maria answered.
"Then why are you buying pregnancy tests?" The saleslady said.
"I don't think that's any of your business. Now can you just let me pay for my things and I can leave." Maria snapped.
The saleslady sucked her teeth as she rolled her eyes.
She handed Maria the bag and Maria catwalked her ass out the store.
"Hey Lady!" Maria yelled before leaving the Lady looked at her.
"You're a asshole!" Maria yelled laughing as she walked out the store.

When she got home she thanked God that her parents weren't home.
Maria ran upstairs to find Angelica watching The Good Wife on her phone.
"I got the stuff." Maria said.
Angelica looked up a lump forming in her throat.
Don't cry again Angie don't cry.

"Alright Angelica go pee on both of these pregnancy tests and we'll see if you're pregnant." Maria said as she handed Angelica both pregnancy tests.
Angelica walked into the bathroom and did as told and then walked out.
"How long do we have to wait?" Angelica asked.
"According to google 10 minutes." Maria said.

"Maria what am I going to do. If I really am pregnant what am I going to do?" Angelica asked. "What am I going to tell my parents and most importantly what am I going to tell Thomas he's going to be the father."
"What if he doesn't want to keep the baby what if he breaks up with me?" Angelica asked.
"Angelica Thomas isn't going to break up with you I promise that." Maria said.
"And even if he does he didn't love you in the first place anyways." Maria told Angelica. "And remember if you're going through a hard time you could always talk to me or Theodosia."
Angelica smiled and gave Maria a hug.
"Mar do you have any pickles I'm craving one right now." Angelica said making maria laugh.
"Of course I do let me go get you one." Maria said as she went downstairs.

After Angelica ate the pickle they realized that ten minutes had passed.
"Do you want to get the pregnancy tests Angelica or do you want me to get them?" Maria asked.
Angelica looked down fear washing over her.
"You can go get them." She answered.
Maria sighed and walked into the bathroom. She looked at the label that would tell if Angelica would be pregnant or not.
She couldn't really see them at first but as she looked real close she realized that they both said positive.
Her best friend was pregnant.

Maria grabbed the 2 pregnancy tests and walked back into her bathroom.
Maria looked at Angelica and Angelica bit her lip as she held back tears.
"I'm sorry Ange-"
"No no its OK its all my fault." Angelica said tears wellling in her eyes.
Angelica stood up.
"I think I'm gonna go." Angelica said.
"You sure you wanna ride home or something?" Maria asked.
"No I'm good. Text me later OK?"  Angelica said.
Maria nodded and the 2 best friends hugged.

As Angelica walked home she sat down at a park bench and collapsed down crying.
"Hey uh are you OK?" Somebody asked.
Angelica looked up to see a girl about her age staring at her.
"Do I look fine?" Angelica asked. "Im sorry I just got some really terrible news."
"Its OK. My names Jocelyn btw." (Another special guest star guess who she is)
"My names angelica." Angelica told the girl as she wiped her tears.

"Care to tell me why you're crying?" Jocelyn asked.
"I just found out I'm pregnant." Angelica said. "And I don't know what to do."
"Are you going to keep the baby?" Jocelyn asked.
It took angelica a minute to think about that.
"Yeah I wanna keep it." Angelica answered.
"Do you know who the father is?" Jocelyn asked.
"Yeah my boyfriend of two years. We had unprotected sex last night because we were drunk." Angelica answered.
"Oh well I wish the best for you." Jocelyn said as she got up and started walking down the street.

Angelica started walking to her house. When she got inside Eliza was drawing a picture and Peggy was watching Andi Mack.
"Mom! Angelicas home!" Eliza yelled.
Angelica glared at her.
"Damn you look like shit." Peggy commented.
"I feel like shit." Angelica answered.
Catherine and Phillip ran downstairs.
"Angelica where were you?!" Phillip yelled.
"I was at Maria's the party ended kind of late and I forgot my key at home so I didn't want to wake you guys in the middle of the night." Angelica said.
"Oh OK next time you call us." Catherine said as she gave her daughter a hug.
Angelica felt guilty but she didn't want to start crying in front of her parents.
"Mom I'm still really tired can I go upstairs to go back to sleep?" Angelica asked.
Catherine nodded.
Angelica walked upstairs and cried herself to sleep.

That night after Peggy and Eliza were asleep Angelica went downstairs to the dining room where her parents were at.
"Mom, dad can I talk to you?" Angelica asked.
"Yeah babes." Catherine said. (Tell me why my heart is beating really fast now while I'm writing this wth)

Angelica sat down and took a deep breath.
"Last night I made a big mistake." Angelica said.
"Angelica if you got drunk or something we're not mad at you. You did the right thing by spending the night at Maria's house." Phillip said.
"I got drunk but then something else happened." Angelica said taking another deep breath.
"Last night Thomas and I had sex. Unprotected sex." Angelica started.
"This morning I started throwing up so Maria went to the store to get a pregnancy test the results came out positive." Angelica said.
It became silent between the 3 people.

"Oh Angelica." Catherine said her voice cracking.
Phillip's face was red.
"Get out." He said calmly.
"What?" Angelica asked.
"Get the hell out of my house!" Phillip yelled.
"Phillip no. This isn't healthy for her." Catherine said.
"Shutup Catherine!" Phillip yelled.
"This isn't just your house dad this is my house too!" Angelica yelled.
Phillip went up to Angelica and slapped her.
"Get your whore ass out of this house and never bring your ass back here ever again!" Phillip yelled.
Angelica got up slamming the chair into the table.
"Go to hell!" Angelica yelled to her dad she then turned to her mom. "Call me." She said.
She walked to the staircase and gave it Eliza and Peggy hugs.

"Dont leave Angelica." Peggy said.
Eliza was silent.
"Daddy please don't make Angelica leave." Peggy pleaded.
"Peggy get upstairs now! You too Eliza!" The 2 kids went upstairs.
"Angelica please leave the house now." Phillip said.
Tears now in her eyes Angelica walked out the house and slammed the door.
She sudddenly found herself outside Thomas's window.

Oh shit!

Who do you guys think the special guest star is?

Do you want Angelica's baby to be a girl or boy?

And what should she name the baby?

Do you think Thomas will leave Angelica?

And now Angelica is kicked out what is she going to do?

We'll see in chapter 10!

Bye 👋😘✌️

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