chapter 14: halloween

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Tonight it was Halloween and Angelica was excited.
"Ange are you going to go trick or treating or pass out candy?" Catherine asked.
Catherine decided to be Flo from progressive for Halloween and Phillip was jake from state farm.
"Uh well me and Thomas were going to pass out candy for like an hour and then Maria is going to pick us up so we can go trick or treating." Angelica said.

Eliza came down the stairs smiling for Halloween she was Sally skellington from the nightmare before Christmas.
"Daddy please don't embarrass me in front of Alexander." Eliza said as she sat on the couch.
"Who's Alexander?" Angelica asked sitting next to Eliza.
"This cute boy that's in my science class. He invited me to go to this Halloween party with him and I don't need mr. Phillip Schuyler to ruin it for me." Eliza said.
"Hey you call me dad." Phillip said walking into the living room.

The doorbell rang and Eliza shot up.
"Omigod he's here what do I do!" Eliza yelled.
"Eliza calm down I'll answer the door." Angelica said walking to the door.
Angelica opened the door to see a boy that was short with hair that reached passed his shoulders he was dressed as Jack Skellington.
"Eliza your boo thang is here!" Angelica yelled and Eliza rushed in face red.

"Excuse my sister she acts crazy because she's pregnant." Eliza said and Angelica rolled her eyes.
After making a bunch of jokes about eliza and Alexander being together Phillip finally let the 2 14 year olds go to the party.
"Thank you." Eliza said.
"Have a good Halloween everyone." Alexander said.
Catherine smiled sitting down on the couch.
"He's a nice boy." She said.

A few minutes later Peggy came downstairs she was going trick or treating with her friend John laurens.  Catherine and Phillip being chaperones of course.
"Hey what took you so long?" Phillip asked.
"Puberty." Angelica said snorting.
Peggy glared at her.
"Well I had to make sure I looked nice." Peggy said.
"For John." Angelica said.
Peggy was being a ballerina for Christmas.
"Cmon mom and dad." Peggy said.

"Ok pegs. Alright ange don't have sex on our couch." Phillip said and Angelica laughed.
"Dad fuck off." Angelica said laughing.
The 3 left and and soon the doorbell rang once again.
Opening the door Angelica saw Thomas.
"You look great in tights." She said giving him a kiss.
"And your ass looks fat in that skirt." Thomas commented and Angelica slapped him.
"What the hell was that for?" He asked.
"Are you saying I'm getting fat?" Angelica asked.
"No no I just said your ass was fat." Thomas said and Angelica crossed her arms.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Angelica asked.
"Angelica I meant it in a good- you know what nevermind let's go pass out candy." Thomas said.

Staring daggers at Thomas Angelica walked outside and sat on the porch with Thomas.
You may be wondering what they are for Halloween Thomas is Superman and Angelica is superwoman.
"Thomas give me a Hershey's from the bowl." Angelica demanded.
"These are for the trick or treaters." Thomas said.
"Ok then." Angelica said.

She walked down the steps and stopped at the sidewalk she then walked back up the steps.
"Trick or treat now give me my damn Chocolate bitch." Angelica said then she felt bad. "I'm sorry Thomas I'm such a bad girlfriend."
"No Angelica's it's ok listen I told you I'll be there for you even if it does mean getting yelled at a lot I'll still be there for you." Thomas said.
Angelica smiled and kissed her boyfriend.
"Trick or treat." A little voice said.
Angelica and Thomas looked up to see a little girl dressed as a cat with her Mom.

"Oh hey here's your candy." Angelica said handing the girl two lollipops and a snickers.
"Thank You." The little girl says.
The lady and the girl leave and Thomas smiles.
"Tell me why that little girl reminds me so much of you at that age." Thomas said.
Angelica laughed.
"Don't remind me of kindergarten." Angelica said.
"Wait wait wait remember that day when we were doing show and tell and you had an accident." Thomas told Angelica laughing.
Angelica punched him in the arm.
"Shutup I had to pee really bad." Angelica said laughing.

After giving a few more kids candy Maria came.
"Alright Angelica and Thomas squeeze yourselves into the back." Maria said.
Maria was dressed as an M&M for Halloween and Theodosia was tiana from the princess and the frog.
Hercules was the incredible hulk and Aaron was spiderman.
"Alright let's start at treadwell (lmao I'm naming random streets from my town)  st. " Maria said.

When the 6 kids got to Treadwell Street they decided to walk around the neighborhood to see what all the houses had to offer.
"Look who it is guys." Maria said.
Walking towards them were Sally and Martha.
"Hey Martha look who it is." Sally said. "Angelica you've gotten really fat what have you been eating."
"Sally what are you for Halloween a stripper?" Angelica asked.
"At least I'm not a fatass cow." Sally said.
"Yeah Angelica don't eat so much candy tonight you're starting to become a lard ass." Martha said.
"Bitch I'll Lard your face." Angelica said walking to Martha.

"Hey it's Halloween!" Maria yelled. "And Salty we would appreciate it if you didn't spread your bullshit all around today." Maria said.
"Uh my names sally-"
"Does it look like I give a fuck SaLtY." Maria said.
Sally grabbed Martha by the hand and they started to walk off.
"Thanks Maria." Angelica said.
"No problem SaLtY needs to calm her tits." Maria said and the 2 started laughing.

"Guys less talking and more trick or treating." Aaron said and the group of teens started walking the first house.


Do you guys want Thomas and Angelica to have a boy or a girl

Baby namesssssssss

What do you think is going to happen in chapter 15? 

My mom yelled at me today because I told her she was bad mom because she didn't buy me chocolate

Have a good night


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