Chapter 28: Secrets & Funerals

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It was the day of Sally's funeral. Maria, Theodosia, Thomas and Angelica decided to go since at one point Sally was their best friend.
Angelica wore a black dress the reached above her knees and a black hat to match.

They all took Thomas's car to the funeral and were shocked to see so many people at her funeral.
Angelica saw Sally's mother silently crying on her fathers shoulder.
Angelica imagined what her mother would do if she had died. Then she started imagining how she would feel if her daughter died.

"May everybody take their seats please?" The reverend asked.
(Alright I haven't been to a funeral since I was 5 R.I.P to my uncle... But anyways I might get some things wrong so bare with me) 

Everybody sat down and the reverend went to the podium.
"We are here today to honor of life of Sally Hemmings." The reverend said.
Angelica heard sniffles among everybody.
"May everybody stand while Martha Randolph sings a song." The reverend said.
Everybody stood up while Martha sang the song.
Angelica was impressed people told Angelica she could sing but Martha had a way better voice than her.
She should show her talent. Angelica thought.

When the song was over everybody clapped and Sally's mom walked to the stage.
"My daughter Sally was such a wonderful girl. She always got good grades and even though she got in trouble tried to keep herself out of it. She always had wonderful friends. It's such a shame that's she gone. Sally always was that girl who always made your day." Mrs. Hemmings said and everybody started nodding.
"I hope my daughter is looking down on all of us right now and smiling. Sally wouldn't want us to be sad she would want us to be happy. She's in a better place now." Mrs. Hemmings said. "I love you baby." Mrs. Hemmings said as she looked at the ceiling.

Mrs. Hemmings walked to her seat tears welling in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall Sally wouldn't want her to cry.
Martha went to podium and smiled at the crowd.
"Hello everybody." She said.
"Hello." Everybody replied back.
"I'm trying my hardest right now to not cry. But you know what it's not working halfway through this speech I'm going to start bawling my eyes out and am going to have to be escorted out." Martha said.

"Sally was one of my only friends. She always listened to my problems. Growing up I didn't have a lot of friends. I was always labeled at weird or quiet but when I got to middle school I started to become popular." Martha told the crowd. "Being popular was ok and all but I didn't have any real friends. So when I saw how close Sally and Angelica were I decided to steal Sally away from Angelica and Angelica I am very sorry for that."
Angelica mouthed it's ok to Martha. Is that why Martha was such a bitch to her she didn't have any real friends.

"After a few years of me and Sally being friends something else happened. Something we haven't told anybody because we thought we would be judged because of it." Martha said she took a deep breath before continuing.
"About sometime when we were 15 Sally and I started to go out. We didn't tell anybody because we thought we would be bullied. But you know what I'm not ashamed I know half the football team is here bully me all you want I don't fucking care!" Martha yelled. "I'm just sad because I lost one of the best friends I ever had and my girlfriend."
And that's when Martha burst into sobs.

The funeral ended a hour later. Martha and Theodosia were in a Limo together.
"Hey Martha I'm sorry I didn't know about you and Sally." Theodosia said.
"It's ok." Martha said as she stared out the window.
"Listen my number is still the same from what it was in eighth grade. If you need anything you could call me tonight." Theodosia said.
"Thanks Theodosia. But why are you being so nice to me I haven't been nice to any of you guys at all." Martha said.
"Because I just realized why you were such a bitch. You didn't know how to show your true feelings or be yourself. I don't really care about all the stuff that happened back then I forgive you Martha." Theodosia said.

Martha smiled and gave Theodosia a hug.
"Hey how about you sleep over tonight we haven't had a sleepover with each other in a long time." Theodosia said.
Martha nodded.

When it was time to bury Sally Mrs. Hemmings placed the flowers on the casket.
"Rest easy b-b-baby." She said as she burst into tears.
Mr. Hemmings took her away from the casket.
Angelica placed her flowers on the casket.
"No matter what happened during these past few years you'll always be my best friend." She said.
A few more people said what they had to say and Sally was placed in the ground.

Angelica and her friends were walking to the Limo when Angelica felt something warm on her face.
Angelica looked up the sun was shining brightly in the sky and a rainbow was in the sky.
"It's a sign." Angelica said. "That's Sally is watching over us."
Angelica looked over at Sally's grave.
Life without Sally wasn't going to be the same.

So Martha's a lesbian

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I had a half of day at school today so I'm happy

I have a ton of homework to do so bye 👋

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