Chapter 6: Field trip pt 2

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Hello everybody in this chapter of dangerously in love big stuff happens. We learn that Donald Trump is a man whore, a special guest star is appearing and Sally needs to watch her mouth. Enjoy!

After 5 more hours of traveling they were finally in D.C.
The hotel Mrs.Washington, Theodosia, Martha, Sally, Maria and Angelica were sharing had 2 rooms.
Angelica, Theodosia, and Maria all were sharing a bedroom and Mrs.Washington, Sally and Martha were sharing a room.

"So who's excited to go to the Whitehouse tomorrow?" Theodosia asked.
"Not I. I bet you all that we will see Donald trump tommorrow and he's not my president." Angelica said and all the other girls laughed.
"I wanna see if his face is really that orange!" Maria yelled and the girls started laughing really harder.
All of a sudden Martha and Sally came into the room followed by Mrs.Washington.
"Must you be so loud I'm trying to get my beauty sleep." Martha said.
"Must you always be a bitch. And honey it's doing nothing for you." Angelica said.
"Angelica now I know it's your time of the month but you shouldn't take it out on the other girls." Mrs.Washington said.
Angelica rolled her eyes.
"Now I think it's time you girls go to bed." Mrs.Washington said.
The 3 girls left the room.

"Angelica you can have a bed to yourself." Maria said.
"Why?" Angelica asked.
"Because you're a wild sleeper." Maria answered Theodosia laughed.
"Girls what did I say!" Mrs.Washington said.
"We're making sleeping arrangements!" Maria yelled back.
"Alright alright I'll sleep by myself." Angelica said as she climbed into bed.
"Goodnight guys sleep tight." Theodosia said.
"Don't let the lice from Sally's hair bite." Angelica said.
It took everything in Theodosia not to start dying with laughter.

The next morning at the white house Mrs.Washington smiled.
"Alright Maria, Angelica, Theodosia, Sally, Martha I trust you all to be by yourselves in here." Mrs.Washington said.
"Why aren't you going to stay here with us?" Martha asked.
"Because me and Mr.Washington are going to have our alone time." Mrs.Washington said.
The 5 teens cringed.
"Uh OK have fun with that." Sally said.
Mrs.Washington ran off and the 5 girls started walking when this girl tapped Angelica on the shoulder.
"Hey um I'm lost around here. Can you guys help me find my parents." The girl asked.
"No we may not-"
"Sally don't be rude." Angelica said. "Of course we can help you."
"You shouldn't talk to strangers." Martha said.
"Martha she's our age what can she do to us?" Angelica said turning to the girl. "What's your name?" Angelica asked.
"McKenzie." The girl answered. (Do y'all know who the special guest star is 😉)

"Ok McKenzie I'm Angelica those 2 over there are my friends Theodosia and Maria. And those assholes over there are Sally and Martha." Angelica said.
Sally suddenly started laughing.
"What kind of name is McKenzie? I swear the things parents name their kids." Sally commented.
"What kind of name is Sally?" McKenzie asked. "That sounds like an old fashioned stripper name."
Angelica laughed and gave McKenzie a high five.
"I have to use that one again thank you." Angelica said.
"No problem." Angelica said.

The 6 teens started walking Sally kept making side comments about McKenzie.
"Uh guys I have to go to the bathroom can you guys come with me?" Angelica asked.
"Do we have to?" Sally asked.
"Why do you always have a comment for everything?" McKenzie asked. "Like I just met you and Angelica wasn't lying you are a asshole."
"I just met you and I realized you are a bitch. Jesus people have no class at all." Sally said.
"Are you talking about me?" McKenzie asked and Sally nodded.
"Who else's name is McKenzie's dumbass?" Sally asked.
"Fight me hoe." McKenzie said.
"Gladly." Sally said.
"Angelica hold my hoops." McKenzie said handing Angelica her hoops.
"Uh guys I don't think you should he fighting in the White house." Angelica said.
Too late Sally and McKenzie were already fighting and McKenzie was winning.
She has to teach me her moves. Angelica thought.

The fight suddenly got out of control so Angelica tried pulling McKenzie off of Sally and Maria and Theodosia tried to pull Sally away from McKenzie.
"Security!" Somebody yelled and security grabbed all 6 girls from their shoulders.
"Hey let fucking go of me!" Angelica yelled.
"You girls are going where all the bad kids go." The security gaurd said.
"What the hell we didn't do anything." Sally said.
"Tell that to the president." One security officer said.
They led us to this room and when they opened the door Donald trump was making out with somebody that definitely wasn't Ivanka.
"Ahem." Angelica said and Donald trump looked up.
"Mina can you go and file my papers." Trump said and Mina nodded grabbing her bra off the floor.
"I think I threw up in my mouth a little." McKenzie said.
"Why are these girls in here?" Trump asked.
"For fighting." A security guard answered.

"Well you girls stay here and we'll find your chaperones." Trump said walking out of the room with the security gaurds.
"Ugh Sally this is all your fault you are such a bitch." Angelica said.
"My fault you're the one that's been acting like a bitch. Just because you're on your period." Sally said.
"Ugh guys stop arguing you're just making the situation worse." McKenzie said.
"Shutup Mcdonald this is partly your fault too." Sally said.
"Its McKenzie and you know what I'll beat your ass in this room right now I'm not afraid." McKenzie said.
"Guys stop arguing please." Theodosia said.

It got silent between the 6 girls when suddenly Maria started singing Amazing grace.
"You have a beautiful voice." McKenzie said and Maria smiled.
"Thankyou." She said as she continued singing the song.
Everybody joined in when Mrs.Washington came into the room her hair was messy and her tank top strap was loose.
"What the hell happened?" She asked then she turned to McKenzie. "Who are you?"

"The girl who got us in all this trouble." Sally said.
"My parents gave me a name and that isn't it." Mckenzie said. "My name's McKenzie."
"Care to tell me why you girls are in here McKenzie?" Mrs.Washington asked.
"Care to ask why you look like you just had sex?" Angelica mumbled under her breath.
"Ms.Schuyler this isn't the time for your wisecracks." Mrs.Washington said.
"Now McKenzie please explained what happened." Mrs.Washington said.
"Sally was talking about me then she beat me up." McKenzie said making her voice crack.
"Sally! First with Angelica and now a girl you barely know I am taking you back to the hotel you are on lockdown for the rest of the trip. You girls can go to Mr.Washington!" Mrs.washington said.
"Wait Mrs.Washington if Sally has to be on lockdown I have to be on lockdown too. There is no way I am spending the rest of the day with these losers." Martha said.
Angelica rolled her eyes and her, Theodosia, Maria and McKenzie walked to Mr.Washington's group.

Here's part 2!

Hope you guys liked the special guest star appearance!

Comment if you want to make a guest star appearence in this book.

What do you think is going to happen in part 3.

Donald trump is a fucking cheater!

I had auditions for my school play today I think I did OK 👌

See you guys later ✌

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