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Jungkook's web comic got more recognition than Jungkook himself excepted it to get, on top of that he gained a lot of new followers really quickly. To say it simply, the comic is a success, but he doesn't know if that's a good thing or if he should feel anxious about it.

He quickly forgot that thought, since he immediately posted the 7th chapter to his web comic, and he can tell that a lot of people like it. A lot of people leave their opinions and ratings, and most of them are quite positive. Jungkook assumes that a cliche love story between two boys is something that a lot of people like nowadays.

However, if he had to be honest, it's not a particular bad cliche story, since he doesn't like all that drama with people accepting them and family issues, so Jungkook just made the story fluffy, but he knows it won't stay so innocent for too long.

It's been two weeks since Jungkook and Taehyung's sleepover at the older's house, and Jungkook feels conflicted. It was his best sleepover ever, but he wasn't sure if it was because that Taehyung is a really good friend or if he wouldn't mind spreading his legs open for the older as well. "Why's life so complicated?" he mutters to himself.

"Jungkook, dinner's ready!" His dad yells from downstairs. The young boy finally realized why it smelled so freaking good, since his dad is an excellent cook. He immediately walks downstairs, and the smell just gets stronger and better. "Hey kookie, how was school today? I've been a bit busy, so you gotta tell me about it."

"It's been alright, but I tell you more about it when we actually sit down and eat" Jungkook answers and finds three plates and chopsticks for him and his dads.

Dads. Jungkook has two dads, and he's been living with them his whole life, so he never thought it was weird. However, since he got two dads, Jungkook knows they'll accept him if he comes out to them, but he know that people will say that his parents made him gay, because they're gay. That's why he always tells Taehyung that he's not gay, because he doesn't want anyone to know about it.

"Why are you spacing out? Let's eat!" Mr.Jung or Jungkook's second dad say as he enters the kitchen. Jungkook just nods and sits down, giving two of plates and four of the chopsticks to his fathers.

The reason why Jungkook's second dad is called Mr.Jung and not Mr.Jeon, is simply because his two dads haven't married each other yet, they've decided to wait until homosexuality is more acceptable in Korea.

Jungkook actually has an older step brother, Hoseok, but he's currently in college, so he doesn't live with the rest of the family.

"So, tell me about school, have you gotten any friends?" Mr.Jeon asks his son "We're both really busy, I'm sorry, but that means you probably got a lot to tell us"

"It's okay, it's normal to be busy when you got lots of work to do, but I don't really have so much to talk about.. I've gotten like two like friends-friends, but they're not even in my grade. The people in my grade only hang out with me in class and at school" He stops to actually eat some of his food "I've gotten pretty close to Taehyung, our neighbor, and also a guy named Jimin, however I think he got a boyfriend, cuz he's always busy, so I'm stuck with Taehyung all the time, not that I mind" Jungkook chuckles.

"You said you didn't got a lot to tell us, but that's longer than any of the texts I wrote back in high school" Mr.Jeon laughs "It's great to see that your friend lives so close though, because then you don't have to be lonely"

"Yeah, Taehyung is great! He always call me his 'Mr.Vincent' and such because I draw. He likes to joke around as well, I'm just telling you, even though he's two years older than me, I would never call him hyung since he's to childish" both Mr.Jeon and Mr.Jung could see the sparkle in their son's eyes when he talked about Taehyung, but they decided not to mention it.

after 11 chapters, I finally introduced you to jungkook's gay family

is the story going too slow or too fast?? please tell me

is the story going too slow or too fast?? please tell me

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