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"Do you wanna eat something first?" Jungkook asks Taehyung as the two enters the younger's house, but Taehyung just shook his head and told him that he wasn't that hungry "Shall we go upstairs then?"

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"Do you wanna eat something first?" Jungkook asks Taehyung as the two enters the younger's house, but Taehyung just shook his head and told him that he wasn't that hungry "Shall we go upstairs then?"

"Sure" the brunette simply answered, since he was kinda out of it, at the moment he couldn't stop thinking about the weird screenshots from the web comic, since he thought that the character actually looked a lot like himself. Taehyung tried to ignore the thought and just walked upstairs with his younger friend, and crush.

Both of the boys threw they school bags on the floor and immediately got on top of the bed. It was an awkward, but at the same time comfortable silence in the room, neither of them knew where to start the conversation. Their eyes connected, like they did at Taehyung's house, but now it was even more awkward.

Taehyung finally decided to be the mature one and say something first, but his plan was ruined when Jungkook decided to actually say something before him "Taehyung, I'm sorry that you felt like I was giving you false hope. I just wanted to cuddle with you, but I never considered how you would feel about it" Jungkook looks away the moment he was done talking "I really didn't want to give you false hope, cuz I never thought you would even like me in that way"

Everything was silent yet again, but just for a short amount of time "Kookie, don't apologize, it's my fault y'know, cuz this wouldn't happen if I didn't fell for a straight guy" he chuckles, however the younger could clearly hear the bitter tone in that simple chuckle "I must admit that I felt a bit shitty when you said you wanted to cuddle, and in the middle of the process, you have to remind that you won't even like me at all, since you want some pussy instead"

A sigh could be heard from Taehyung, since he knew he said too much and might've sounded too harsh to the other. He didn't want to hurt Jungkook, but he said without thinking, even though it was his true feelings about the whole situation. "When you put it that way, I understand how much I actually hurt you, but it wasn't because I'm interested in some crusty ass pussy" Jungkook says, a bit irritated, without noticing himself, however the older noticed.

"Why do you sound so mad? You always tell me that you're not gay, even when you cuddle with me, but all of that is not because you're interested in some pussy? I don't understand"

"I'm feeling conflicted.." Jungkook mutters.

"Can't you just tell me everything? You're making me so confused and honestly annoyed! I thought we were gonna talk about this, but everything just gets worse.."

"Are you saying everything is my fault?" But everything is my fault..

"I don't know what I did wrong, so sorry, but I guess so" the tension between them wasn't awkward anymore, but it looks more like their first actual fight. The two of them had long ago gotten up from the bed and was arguing with each other face to face. "I don't understand why you can't just tell me, you're the one who invited me here to talk it all out, but you won't even tell me anything!"

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