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Taehyung let out a sigh, before he opened Jungkook's front door and walked into the house. The only think he could think about was the web comic, and wether or not the younger was actually the one behind everything, cuz it could make sense, it makes so much sense, at least for Taehyung himself. In fact, he wouldn't really mind if his boyfriend is the one behind everything, but he's sure that Jungkook doesn't want him to know about it, since he didn't say anything about it. He finds it quite adorable if the younger made that comic about the two of them, even before they got together in the first place.

"Is everything okay? You've just been standing there for about 5 minutes now" an unfamiliar voice says to Taehyung, who got brought into reality as soon as he heard that. He looks up, only to see a man he has in fact never seen before, but when he got a good look, the man reminded him of Jungkook.

"Ah, uhm, yeah I'm okay, I was just thinking" he answers the man, however he thought it would be a good idea to introduce himself as well, so the other wouldn't think it was a complete stranger in their house "I'm Kim Taehyung, I live next door! I'm Jungkook's, eh, friend" he says, with his famous box-like smile.

"Nice to meet you, as you probably understood, I'm Jungkook's father" Mr.Jeon chuckles "Anyway, Jungkook is upstairs" Taehyung nods and later walks upstairs to the younger's room. His thoughts were filled with the web comic again, and just because Jungkook's father mentioned his son's name. However, his mind went completely blind when he walked into the younger's room and saw him shirtless.

Jungkook looks at the door when he hears it slowly opening up, but when he saw Taehyung staring at him with a shocked expression, which turned into an expression filled with lust and physical hunger, he didn't know if he should feel embarrassed or not care at all. The brunette ended up embarrassed and put on some white t-shirt. "When you actually arrive, you have to walk in on me getting dressed, could it be more cliche?" the older nods as a response "How could it be more cliche?"

Taehyung locks the door behind him and walks towards Jungkook "You know, I could lock the door, like I did.. Put my arms around your waist" he says, while actually wrapping his arms around the younger's waist, which a lot of people would consider 'tiny' or tumblr worthy at least "and I could kiss you, everywhere" he leans down and whispers that into Jungkook's ear, who feels even more embarrassed at the moment. "But that would've been too cliche, don't ya think?" Taehyung chuckles and pulls away. He sits down on the younger's bed, waiting for the other's reaction.

Jungkook turns around and looks at his boyfriend "That was so fucking rude, like here I am, inviting you over to play some games, eat some food and probably kiss a bit, but you decided to just give me a hard time? That's rude" he says, but a smirk appears on his face as he sits on top of the older "I can also be rude though" he whispers, later kissing Taehyung's lips.

For the older everything went so fast, and he felt really shocked, but he felt even more shocked and confused when Jungkook pulls away, rolls to the side and starts laughing "Why are you, uhm, laughing?" he looks at the younger, who turns to look at Taehyung.

"Because what I did was so freaking awkward, don't you think?" When Taehyung actually thinks about it, it's actually a bit awkward.

"I guess you're right, it's kinda awkward" the two of them starts laughing now, even though the whole thing wasn't that funny, but they didn't care about that right now. They just thought about the other's laughter at this point, which made themselves laugh even more. Eventually, their laughter died down and their eyes were connected, not looking anywhere else "If I have to be honest, I thought it was kinda hot"

"Oh, really?" Taehyung nods, as they are moving closer to each other "That's interesting" was the last thing that escaped the younger's mouth, before Taehyung connects their lips again. The feeling of the other's lips on their own is amazing, and at that moment, none of them would mind staying like that forever.

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