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After what happened at Taehyung's house last week, the tension between the two has gotten really awkward for the two of them, but also Jimin. He hasn't even been able to show the pictures of the two cuddling together or the video of the two playing together, because of all the awkwardness.

Taehyung would just got to the older and rant, but Jungkook on the other hand, just shut himself inside of his room or the school's bathroom, when he was at school obviously, instead of talking to his friends. The only positive about the whole thing was that he could spend more time on his web comic, like he has been drawing non stop and posted chapters non stop as well. He's already on chapter 14, and people really liked it as well, especially Jungkook's character, because the character was so relatable and realistic.

The story is about two male characters and their relationship. The character that looks like Taehyung has confessed his feelings for the other, but the character that looks like Jungkook feel conflicted, since he doesn't know how to react and what to do, since he hasn't told anyone that he likes boys.

Jungkook poured all of his own feelings into his character, but he didn't even realize that the story is basically like his life at the moment, even though Taehyung didn't directly confess his feelings. He felt stressed, and it didn't help too much that he noticed more korean comments on his comic.

He really didn't want to avoid Taehyung, but he didn't know how to act around him. Jungkook is usually not a touchy person, but he still asked the older to cuddle with him. He thought he could at least be touchy with Taehyung, without coming out or date the older, but the thought about how the brunette would feel about it never hit him. Jungkook didn't think Taehyung would like him back, he just thought the other was a touchy person in general, but he was wrong.

One day when Jungkook was about to look himself into the school bathroom once again, his plans got ruined when Jimin dragged him to cafeteria, out of nowhere. He made him sit down with Taehyung, while Jimin bought some food for the three of them.

"Ah, hey Jungkook, you're finally eating for once"

"What happened to Kookie?" Jungkook was asking stupid questions, that could make everything even more awkward.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to make you feel more uncomfortable.."

"Tae, you never made me feel uncomfortable, okay? I'm just weird" The younger says, while a giggle escapes his mouth afterwards "But seriously, I know we have to talk about what happened, but can you just come to me after school and talk there instead? I don't wanna talk about it here, cuz you'll never know, someone might hear it"

"Sure, let's talk about it later"

It was currently art class for Taehyung and Jimin's class, but today they didn't really have anything to do, since most of the students were already done with their abstract painting. The art teacher had told them that tent could pretty much do everything they wanted, as long as they were quiet, while she was helping the students who still weren't finished.

Jimin and Taehyung ended up sitting in a corner, with a few other classmates and used their phones. It was quiet, until Taehyung said something interesting "Imagine being pigroasted" Everyone looked at him, confused "Don't you know what it means?" everyone around him shook their heads, even Jimin, which he found weird "It means that you get fucked in the ass, while sucking someone off"

"Why do you suddenly bring that up now?" one of his classmates asked, but Jimin reminded them that it's Taehyung who said it.

"Hey Taehyung, have you heard about this web comic? It's a character there that looks exactly like you" Dowoon shows Taehyung the web comic, but everyone there looks at it as well "I just saw screenshots of it on twitter, but it apparently got it's own website and it's gay"

"Oh man, that looks 100% like you, what the fuck?" Jimin says "What's it called?"

"I don't know, this is just some screenshots"


it's about to get steamy

__________it's about to get steamy

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