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Jungkook and Taehyung gets off the bus and walks towards Jungkook's house, which they usually do and the older had to ask a question "Why do we always go to your house, and not mine?" the two of them stop, right in front of the younger's front door.

"Honestly, I don't know, but we can't go to your house today" Jungkook says, and because his boyfriend could ask, he already answered Taehyung's question "because my parents said they both will come home earlier from work today, so we could eat dinner together. So basically, you gonna stay here and eat dinner with us" Taehyung just nods and the both of the two boys walk inside.

"When will your parents get home?" the older asks as the two walk into the kitchen, to get something to drink before they walk upstairs. Every time Jungkook and Taehyung come home from school, they immediately go upstairs to Jungkook's room, however they have to go downstairs only minutes later, to get something to drink. So they figured out that they'll just get something to drink first.

"I think they said around 6 pm?" Jungkook checks the time "It's 4 pm at the time, so they'll be here in like 2 hours I guess" he says, opening the fridge to check what kinda drinks they got "What do you want?"


"What?" Jungkook questions, since he misunderstood what the older said "Did you say what I thought you said or am I imagining things?"

"Huh? What did you think I said?"

"Eh, nothing, just repeat what you said, cuz I'm already thirsty—" the ravenette realized that it sounds wrong, especially when he just misunderstood what the older said, or he hopes he misunderstood "Don't take that the wrong way, since I didn't mean it that way!"

"Jesus christ, you're so dirty minded, like did you think I said cock or something? And then you talk about being thirsty, are you—" Jungkook quickly covers the older's mouth with his hands, because even though they are alone, he wouldn't know what to say if Taehyung finished the question and the said boy would tease him. The whole thing would be more awkward than it already is.

Jungkook's plan sank to the bottom of the sea, just like a certain boat that collided with an ice berg, but this time it wasn't an ice berg's fault that the plan sank to the bottom of the sea, it was Taehyung. He grabbed the younger's wrists and moved his face towards Jungkook, kissing his lips as well. Jungkook would normally maybe be slightly stronger, but he was too startled and a bit disappointed that his plan didn't work out. He also enjoyed the kiss, so he didn't really mind when he thought about it.

Taehyung let go of Jungkook's wrists, and wraps his arms around his boyfriend's waist instead, while the other places his arms on Taehyung's shoulders. Their kiss became more and more sloppy, but it was still filled with love. Eventually they had to pull away, but not because they needed some air.

"Jungkook?" both boys quickly pull away from each other, but it was too late. Mr.Jung already saw them and Jungkook knew that. He didn't know what to do, so he just ran upstairs, so he could avoid all his problems, for now.

"Sorry, I'll just go and talk to him" Taehyung says, giving a little bow. Before the man in front of him could say something more, Taehyung was already running towards the stairs.

this is so lame and cliche

___________this is so lame and cliche

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even though it's like 24k now cOuGh

even though it's like 24k now cOuGh

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