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After a week, with a lot of sketching and writing, Jungkook finally came up with an idea for his web comic. He decided to make Taehyung the main character, just with a different name, however he also wanted to include himself in the comic.

Since he hasn't showed his face to his followers, he thought it would be a great face reveal, but he wouldn't say anything about until he has finished the comic.

Jungkook wasn't the best person when it comes to story ideas, so he decided to just make a basic love story. He had already made a poll on instagram, where his followers had to tap on either 'gay or 'straight', just without any context whatsoever. Not surprisingly, most of his followers choose 'gay'.

He knew that he would be embarrass himself if Taehyung or anyone else at the school found his web comic, but he was sure that not anyone he knew in real life follows him and he would make a website for the comic anyway, so Jungkook would just go for it.

Again, he doesn't have something like a crush on the older student, he just found Taehyung handsome and wouldn't mind to draw himself with the older nearly everyday.

"Goddamn, I love fluff" Jungkook mutters to himself, as he draw over his sketch of himself and Taehyung hugging each other, with big and fluffy sweaters "I'm so soft right now"

The moment he was about to color his finished drawings, Jimin called him and he picked up right away, since he was the only one who actually talked to Jungkook, beside Jungkook's own classmates of course.

"Hey Jungkook, are you busy?"

It was a pretty simple question, but the younger wasn't sure if he should answer that question truthfully, since he didn't want to older to ask any further questions about what he's doing at the moment. Jungkook isn't a good liar.

"I'm not really that busy, what's up?"

"I'm honestly just calling, because I'm waiting for my friend to show up, I hope you won't mind?"

"Of course I won't, I'm not doing anything anyway" Jimin and Jungkook aren't best friends, since they've only known each other for a short amount of time, but they feel like they can to talk to each other about everything.

Not in a romantic way, just in a friendly way. However, even though they would talk about a lot of different stuff to each other, Jungkook would never mention anything about his web comic or his drawing account in that matter, since Jimin also seemed pretty close to Taehyung.

Jungkook thought it was a better idea to stay safe, instead of ruining his confidence and be humiliated.

"So, who's this friend?"

"Ah, it's just my friend, we used to go to the same school, but he's in college at the moment"

"Well, that's nice. I can't really meet up with my friends from Busan, so I'm just sitting in my room and doing a lot of different stuff"

"You're probably drawing, since you're such a nice artist! We should hang out sometime though, like I wouldn't mind introducing you to my friends"

"I'm not really drawing that much.." Jungkook mumbles, as he looks at the drawing tablet and hundreds of sketches in front of him "and it would be great to meet your friends"

"You should draw more often, cuz your drawing of Taehyung looked quite nice, he would probably like it if he saw it, just saying"

"Wouldn't it seem kinda creepy that some random kid just drew you, without you even knowing?"

"I wouldn't think it would be creepy, I would take it as a compliment instead, since someone thought I looked so good, that they even had to draw me"

When the older put it that way, Jungkook didn't really think it was creepy, but just cute, however on other hand he still thinks Taehyung world think he's weird if he ever found out.

'It's too late now'

this book already got almost 500 reads oxbslsjspxnos thank you

_____________this book already got almost 500 reads oxbslsjspxnos thank you

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