MB. 15.

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A few weeks passed, Romeo had us all ready for a raid. It was our turn to go mental, it was our turn to make a statement. I wasn't going to lie, I was scared solid but I was going to make sure I did the right thing now. If it meant something to Romeo, something to Trey then I had to participate. I mean, it wasn't going to be easy, I was probably going to cry throughout the whole thing, worried I would never see Kylo again, but as we sat in the back of the black van I could feel my heart rate quickening, hear my pulse in my ears. 

"Are you okay?" Reece whispered as he sat next to me, he pulled his balaclava down over his face. 

I nodded, "Yeah just a little apprehensive." 

Reece leaned forward and pulled the black balaclava that I had rested on my head, down over my face. "You're going to need this." 

My head nodded as I pulled my leather gloves over my hands, "I guess so."

"Has everyone got their weapons?" Romeo called from the front of the van as he turned and looked at us all. 

All the boys cheered to indicate that they had. I showed a weak smile to look like I was joining in, not that you could see it, to look like I was here at the moment. The truth was I was miles away in my head. I had been worrying, my period was late, not that it usually was. My period usually came like clockwork, yet here I was sitting here worrying because it hadn't come along. Thinking about this just convinced me that I was pregnant, maybe, I just needed to make sure, I just couldn't find the right time. 

It had been at least two days, two days late. In the past two days, I had been bogged down here at work, Romeo had me polishing guns, drawing up plans and other tedious jobs. In the time I wasn't there it was late and I returned back to Kylo, spending my evenings with him at his house. By the time I left work, it was too late to go into a shop, I didn't want Kylo finding me with a test. 

The thing was, it wasn't that I didn't want him to know, I just didn't want him to know whilst I didn't know. If it's all just a false alarm then worrying him would be pointless. Our relationship was so perfect right now, I wasn't sure how he would react to this. If I couldn't process it I had no idea what he would do. 

"We're here!" I heard a voice, bringing me back to the reality that was the back of the van. 

I looked up, startled that we were still going through with this plan. 

Picking up my gun I tucked it into the waistband of my jeans before I stepped out the van, the rest of the guys following me. We all wore the same, black jeans, black hoody and a balaclava, I had a pair of simple black trainers on, silent shoes that I could walk in. My hands covered with leather gloves, a simple black pair that had a bow on the wrist, the only pair I could find to fit my little hands. 

Romeo handed me a machine gun, a little present from him to me, probably so he didn't have to get his hands dirty himself. Romeo nominated Michael to lead the way, he went first, heading towards the back door of the building the Knight's of Ren was staying in. 

I was about forth in the line, I didn't want to be doing this right now. As Michael kicked in the door an alarm sounded, this door clearly alarmed, my eyes widened as the ringing just seemed to get louder. 

I hung back as more people entered the building, as people went in shots were fired, I could hear gunfire, I headed inside, my mind racing as people were everywhere I raised my gun to fire as I watched people running down the stairs to come to their comrade's aid. 

It was dark, the only lights that shined from the alarm that was creating a red light throughout the building. A few green dots were dotted around the room where men had lasers on their guns.

Mafia Baby (Kylo Ren AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang