MB. 28.

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"And finally she's awake," the voice flooded my mind as I listened to the bleeping and the voices. My eyes adjusted to the light before I found myself looking at a doctor, I knew he was a doctor from the long white lab coat and the stethoscope around his neck. "Welcome back to the world Blair." How did he know my name? Where was I? This was not meant to be.

"No," I shook my head as I tried to move, but I was restrained to the bed. "No this can't be." Looking around I knew I wasn't in a hospital, I was in a makeshift hospital, this one not like Romeo's back in the building, this one was a cold metal bed, a small blanket on my legs. "I'm supposed to be dead. Why am I still alive?" I was more talking to myself, I didn't want to be here. Being alive meant I might have to suffer more, there's no worse suffering than knowing you can't be with the one you love. 

"You are lucky to be alive," the Dr told me as he wrote on his clipboard. "You were saved inches from death."

"I would rather be dead."

"You are lucky you have no permanent damage too," the Dr continued to talk, ignoring my statement. "I thought we were going to lose you, thought we would have to turn you off. It's been a long month."

"A month?" I blurted out, "A month."

I could only hope Ben thought I was dead, it was better than him knowing I had been holed up here for a month, almost dying. I had tried to do one thing and I couldn't even get that right. I mean to be fair, I was going to chicken out last minute, but when the air was leaving my lungs, leaving my body I felt at peace knowing he knew I wouldn't be coming back. 

My attention was drawn to the door as the masked man barged in. His mask seemed to look at me, in my direction anyway. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I thought back to Romeo and what had happened last time I saw him, about this man wanting me to see everything. He was a monster. 

"Are you here to keep her company?" The Dr asked the man. "I was just about to tell her."

"Tell her what?" The robotic voice back and loud in my mind as he looked at the Dr who seemed to not be phased by his scary appearance. 

The Dr smiled at the masked man, "The good news, but since you are here why don't you break it to her?"

My eyes travelled to the masked man who had taken a seat next to my bed, making sure I could see him. "Your leader is still alive. I didn't want you to miss his ultimate demise. I kept him alive just for you."

I looked away from the masked man, I had almost forgotten about Romeo. I didn't want to be reminded. I thought he would be dead by now, no one is really that cruel, are they? Not even Romeo would stoop to these low levels and I thought he was deadly, someone not to be messed with. 

"I just want to go home," I choked back the tears as I let the words escape my lips. 

He showed me my engagement ring that was no longer on my finger, swirling it on his own gloved little finger. "It seemed you had someone to go home to, but is he going to want you back now? You've been gone for a month."

As much as I didn't want to admit it, he was right. I couldn't go home to Ben now, he'd never forgive me. He'd hate me forever, even if I told him everything, he wouldn't want that mess in his life. He was pure, a nice man who had given me everything and I had taken it for granted. 

"You know nothing about my life," I snapped. 

"I know you are scared," he told me as he placed the ring on the table next to my bed. "I know you want to see your Romeo." He looked to the Dr, "Is she cleared to leave?"

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