MB. 25.

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My moments with Ben seemed to be more precious than ever, I just wanted to spend all my time with him, yet I knew these moments might be my last with him. Ben cooked for me before we sat together and ate, sitting in the kitchen with the two dogs just sitting in their beds watching. 

"I'm sorry I have to go back to work," I said as I looked at him, I wasn't lying. I was so sorry, I didn't want to go. 

He smiled at me, "It's okay. We both have work to do, I have to go in tonight anyway." Since we had finished our food he reached across and took my hand. "Why don't I pick you up after work?"

I waved him off with my other hand, dismissing his idea. "It's okay. I will just drive home since I don't know what time I am leaving."

"It's okay," he smiled as he squeezed my hand. "Hopefully soon I can cut back on my work hours. I just want to spend some more time with you, that seems like the best thing to do."

"I would like to spend more time with you." I agreed, "I do miss you when you aren't here."

"You're not alone here, the boys look after you don't they?" Ben asked me as he looked at the two dogs. 

My eyes travelled over to the dogs, Kaiser was wagging his tail madly realising he was about to get praise, Caesar was just laying in his bed looking like he couldn't be bothered. "The boys are such good boys aren't they?" I asked as I looked between them. 

Caesar stayed in his bed but Kaiser came over and sat at my feet, his big eyes looking up at me. "Send him away," Ben told me as he looked at his dog by my feet. 

I looked at Ben before shaking my head and stroking Kaiser behind the ears. "Absolutely not, he's just after a little fuss."

Ben looked at Kaiser, he nodded his head towards the dog bed and Kaiser obeyed and went and sat back in his bed. "That wasn't too hard was it?"

I rolled my eyes, "He's allowed a fuss too." I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"If you want a pet," Ben shook his head. "I can get you a puppy."

Pursing my lips together I shook my head at him. "No puppies." I didn't want to be dealing with a puppy and the stress of it.

"I just don't want these two going soft," Ben laughed as I uncrossed my arms and placed my hands back on the table. "They are supposed to be guard dogs."

Looking at them I spoke again. "I don't think you have any problems with Caesar, he doesn't seem to be bothered by a fuss. He is resistant to the loving. Kaiser though, I just want him to come and cuddle up with me on the sofa."

Ben got up from the chair, my eyes went back to him and got up too, helping carry the plates to the side by the sink. "I guess it's just strange," Ben admitted. "I haven't really fussed them before, they aren't pets to me."

We put our plates down, before Ben wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him. "What are you doing?" I asked him as he lifted me up and placed me on the island opposite the sink. 

"I just want to be close to you," he spoke as he moved closer to me, his lips kissing my neck just gently and slowly. "I wish we didn't have to work tonight, I just want to take you upstairs."

A moan escaped my lips as he continued to kiss my neck softly. "Why don't we just..."

"You know why" his words spoken against my skin. 

My fingers laced in his hair, "I know."

He stopped kissing me and made his head level with mine, our eyes level. "I better go and get ready," he told me before he leaned in, our lips meeting before he lifted me off the side allowing me to stand. "I hope you're not going to be too late tonight."

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