MB. 30.

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In my bedroom, I kept a variety of weapons and under my floorboards, I kept a few more. Taking the weapons I found myself loading them into a backpack, a small gun in my waistband, dressing in my normal clothes I used to wear all the time. 

It had been three days since I realised I was being watched and today was no other day, the car was outside my home again. As I headed down the stairs to leave my home I was interrupted by someone knocking on the door at the bottom of my flat. 

I put the backpack under the stairs before I opened the door to my flat. There on the other side stood Reece, how dare he come to my home.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped at me as he looked at me. 

He looked around me before pushing his way into my home, closing the door behind him. "You need to disappear," he told me as he looked around, heading up the stairs, checking my home. 

"You are the one who needs to disappear," I countered. "The rest of your men are out there watching me, I am a prisoner in my own home. I might as well have not come home."

Reece rolled his eyes, "Once they realise you are not a threat then they will leave you alone."

I glared at him, "Don't you get it?" I asked him as he turned around, my hand whipping out the gun I had in my waistband before pointing it at him. "I am a threat."

He looked dead at the barrel, "Don't be stupid Blair."

"I have nothing left anyway," I reminded Reece as I held the gun straight. "Romeo is dead. The rest of the boys are gone. You are a traitor. The only man I have ever loved has gone, moved on. What do I actually have left to live for?" I tilted my head at him. "If you were ever my friend I want you to help me."

He shook his head, "I can't go against him. You have seen his weapons."

"So you were never my friend?" I twisted his words. 

Reece's eyes changed, they softened. "You were the only one I wanted to save. You were special, something about you made me want to believe you are good."

"You see this," I raised an eyebrow as I looked at my gun before looking back at Reece. "I am not good."

"Don't think just because you have a gun in your hands that you are something to be scared of."

I shook my head, "I'm nothing to be scared of, I know. I am the scared one. I am the one scared of not ever being able to exact my revenge, scared that I will never have my own life back again."

Reece knocked the gun from my hand pulling me into a hug, "You can do whatever you want with your life. You are free now. That is what you have always wanted. Go and find whoever you were with, find him and marry him." Reece handed me the engagement ring I had been given by Ben. 

I took it, looking at it before I placed it on the side of my kitchen. "It's not worth anything now, I have no idea where he has gone." I pulled away from Reece, picking up my gun from the floor. "How do you even start to look for someone?"

"Who is he?" Reece asked me as he leaned against the side. "Maybe I can help you, maybe we can reconnect you two again."

"Stop talking so much shit," I rolled my eyes. "I just want to know where he is, I just want to know he is okay."

Reece groaned, "So tell me his name. I can help you."

I looked at Reece, he looked genuine. "His name is Ben, Ben Solo. He sometimes uses a nickname, Kylo."

I heard Reece suck in a deep breath before he let it out slowly. "I'll see what I can do." He patted my shoulder. "Leave it with me."

Shaking my head I bit my lip. "If you are going to do me a favour I would rather have something else."

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