MB. 24.

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Ben was obviously crazy, he had met me and now he wanted to marry me. There was nothing special about me, yet  I felt it too. He drove me mental, he did something to my insides. He gave me the most fluttering butterflies. His smile gave me crazy headaches and his skill with words was amazing. His other skills were just bonuses. 

I couldn't imagine not living with him, not being with him. I would die for Ben. I would do whatever he asked me to do without hesitation. If it ever came to it, I would choose Ben every time. I wanted him in my life, now and forever. 

The next day when we woke he took me into town. His sole mission was to find me an engagement ring, I didn't have much in the way of comparison, I didn't even know what I wanted. I just wanted to be happy, I didn't even need a ring to prove my dedication to him. 

Once in the store, he directed me towards some massive jewels, "You know I don't need anything like that," I said as I admired the gems that glistened in the light. 

"You don't need that but don't tell me you don't want them," Ben said as he held my hand as he pointed to a beautiful clear diamond engagement ring. The stone was massive, "What about this one?"

"Oh," I smiled at him. "It's beautiful."

The woman behind the counter got it out and allowed me to try it on, it did look amazing on me but it just wasn't me. As I looked at it on my finger, a ring below the glass counter caught my attention. 

It was a beautiful emerald stone shaped like a heart with little diamonds around the heart with a white gold band. "Can I see that one please," I said as I slipped the ring off my finger and handed it back to the woman. 

"Are you sure?" She asked as she placed the original ring back into the display and got the emerald one out. "It's not a traditional engagement ring."

"I just want to look," I assured her as she handed me the ring. Slipping it on my finger I fell in love instantly, I moved my hand about under the light before I looked at Ben. "What do you think?"

He smiled at me, "If you are happy with it, then we can get it."

I looked back to the ring, I was happy with it. The heart was as big as the previous ring but with colour, if anything I liked it more because it was different to the original ring I had just seen. "I love it," I said as I admired it. 

He put a hand on the small of my back, "Then we shall buy that one."

The woman took my hand and felt the ring, "I think this one is a little too big for you. Unfortunately, it's the only one we keep in stock, so I can order it in for you in your size."

"How long will that take?" I asked her as I gave her the ring back. 

She took the ring and brought her tablet out before she punched in a few things and looked back up. "It will be about three days," she said as she smiled at me. 

I looked at Ben who smiled, "We can wait, can't we?"

I nodded at him, "It's not about the ring is it?" I reminded him before he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. 

"What would I do without you?" He asked as he took his hands back and pulled out his wallet. "Lets get this paid for then."

I turned away from the till where Ben went to pay, I knew he wouldn't want me to know how much it was, as he paid I glanced over at a few of the other bits the shop had to offer. This place was a bespoke jeweller, it didn't have many of the same designs and only a few of the same pieces were produced. I was pretty lucky to be getting this ring, I knew the green was my colour as soon as my eyes saw it. 

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