MB. 47.

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Through the evening people started to leave or go to their rooms, I remained at the table with Leia drinking more and more wine, Ben at some point left me with his mother. I didn't even notice him leave through my alcohol induced state. Leia grinned at me after she finished her glass of wine she had in her hands. "You are a good girl you know?" Leia said as she looked at me from across the table. 

It was just me and her in the room, the last two in there. A few people from the hotel had started to clean up around us, but from the party, it was just us two. "I try," I giggled as I smiled at her. Lifting the glass to my lips I let the red liquid pass my lips and tried to enjoy the bitter taste. The truth being I had probably had too much to drink and I should find a bed soon. 

Leia stood up and wobbled a little due to the amount of alcohol she had consumed. "I better sleep this off."

I stood up with her and grabbed my bag, placing the key card into it before I edged out of the gap between the table and the chairs. "I'm going to help you this time," I laughed as I put an arm around her, she followed suit and put an arm around me. 

We headed out of the party room, the two of us stumbling into the lift together, as I looked in the mirror my reflection was doubled, I couldn't help but laugh before turning back to Leia who was pressing the buttons on the wall before the doors finally closed. 

"I noticed you and Rey have got close tonight," she smiled. 

I nodded, "She's a lovely girl." I spoke honestly. "Hopefully we will remain friends." 

The doors opened and we exited the lift, we linked arms as we found our way to her room. Leia laid on her bed, "I shouldn't have had that last glass." She admitted with a chuckle as I leaned over her and took her shoes off her. 

"I say that every time I drink," I said with a smile. 

I looked back down at Leia and she was asleep already. I rolled my eyes as I managed just put a blanket over her before I left her in the room, fast asleep. 

Leaving her room I smiled to myself, feeling like I had done a good deed. Not that it was helping how I felt right now, my head was banging and my legs were wobbly like jelly, to top it all off I felt like I might throw up at any second. 

I walked along the corridor, more like I stumbled, my drink induced state my own fault as I finally, after what felt like forever, I found the room I was going to be sleeping in, room 210. Just as I smiled to myself I realised that I was no longer in possession of my bag, thinking of when I last saw it I realised something dreadful, I had left it in Leia's room. 

My eyes rolled as I groaned out loud and put my head on the door of the room I nearly ended up sleeping in. Leia was fast asleep and because she had drunk so much she probably wouldn't wake up even if I broke into the room. 

"For fuck sake," I mumbled as I staggered backwards, my back hitting the wall behind me before I slouched down until I was sitting on the floor. 

My dress had ridden up and almost showed my panties not that I noticed as I leaned my head against the door frame. How had I ended up in such a mess? I had to keep my eyes open, closing them only made me feel dizzy and want to be sick more. I couldn't even go home, my keys were in the bag alongside everything else. 

I heard a noise from somewhere but I didn't even bother to look up as I sat there feeling sorry for myself. "Hey, Blair." I heard Ben's voice speaking to me. 

Looking up at him I met his eyes before I looked away from him back to the floor. "What do you want?" I asked not even realising the shortness of my words. 

"Well," he spoke as he came closer and crouched down in front of me, "I was going to invite you in since it looks like you can't get into your room." 

My eyes travelled back to him, he was wearing his usual attire, a pair of black trousers and a white shirt, his shirt was half unbuttoned and he didn't have any shoes on, just black socks. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked as I spoke I was aware of my voice becoming high pitched. 

He offered me his hand, I took it slowly as he helped me to my feet. "Believe it not Blair, I don't want to see you like this."

As I managed to steady myself letting go of his hand I sighed, "Would you just prefer not to see me at all?"

Ben opened the door to his hotel room, "Do you want to come in or not?" He asked as he looked at me. 

Pushing passed him I headed into his hotel room, I heard him close the door behind us as I looked at the bed in front of me, it was a large kingsized four poster bed with beautiful black bedding. It looked so inviting like it just wanted me to cuddle up in it. 

"We're both adults here right Blair?" He asked me as he looked at me eyeing up his bed. 

I nodded as I felt my eyes getting heavy, "Hmm."

"So you can take the right side," he said as he offered me the side I always preferred to sleep on. "And I'll take the left, is that okay?"

Nodding slowly I sat on the bed, I didn't want to look at him, if I looked at him I knew I would do something stupid. Holding onto the post closest to where I was sitting I tried to unbuckle my shoes before my eyes began to close my hand letting go of the post and falling back on the bed. My eyes closed as the black in my mind began to spin. 

Waking with a start I flung the blanket off me and ran to the door which I assumed was to the toilet, I was glad to see it was when I slammed the door shut and began to puke into the toilet bowl. I tried to not look at the sick that left my mouth as my stomach continued to contract, forcing all the alcohol I had drank out of my body. 

The smell was dreadful and the colour was vile, so obvious I had been drinking red wine for most of the evening. My head was burning, although it might have been from the light that automatically came on when I moved. Wiping my mouth with the nearby toilet paper I dumped it into the bowl before slumping to my knees.

I managed to reach up and tug on the handle to flush the toilet before I leaned against the bath, pulling my knees up to my chest and hugging them as I put my head on the top of my knees. I really hoped the light would go off soon and leave me to my pity party. 

My ears pricked up at hearing someone moving, I looked up as Ben entered the bathroom. "How are you feeling?" He asked me as I looked up at him only my eyes on show from my face. 

"Like death." 

Ben leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms over his chest. He only wore his trousers, his chest unclothed as he shook his head. "Let me help you," he said as he reached down, his hands hooking under my lower arms as he helped pull me to my feet before hooking his arm around me back and helping me back to the back, back to the darkness. 

He sat me on the bed before he walked around the bed and got in on his side before he helped me lay down and covered me over. "Why are you helping me?" I asked him, my voice quiet as I looked up at the ceiling. 

"Despite everything," he spoke softly. "I would do anything for you."

"What are you saying, Ben?" I asked him as I closed my eyes. 

I felt his hand feeling for mine before he grasped my hand and laced his fingers through mine. "I love you, Blair."

Mafia Baby (Kylo Ren AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant