MB. 48.

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When I woke in the morning I had a stupid grin on my face, it seemed to have been there all night as the muscles in my face were hurting. Turning over I looked over at Ben who was sound asleep in the bed next to me. Had I dreamed the words he said to me last night? 

Slowly I got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom, I looked like hell this morning. My hair was a mess and my make up had smeared down my face. Washing it away with water I swilled some water around in my mouth trying to get rid of the disgusting taste I had in my mouth due to last nights trip to the toilet bowl. 

The other problem I had was in washing away the smeary makeup had exposed the bruising on my cheek, luckily the dress still covered the marks on my body. The lip wound was also evident, I guess that had probably shown up at some point last night, probably when I was throwing up but Ben hadn't said anything to me. If I had my bag I would have applied some makeup to cover my marks up but I didn't have my bag, so I would have to deal with this. 

As I exited the bathroom I could see Ben was now awake, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. His eyes met mine before he leaned forward, looking at me as I stepped into the light. 

"I thought you gave your old lifestyle up Blair," he said as he leaned back, his body language telling me he was disappointed. 

My hand touched my bruised face before I shook my head, "This isn't what it looks like. I have given it all up, this," I motioned to my bruising before I moved my hand away from my face. 

Telling him what really happened would probably make him think less of me, I didn't even know what happened. All I knew was Mac gave me something and then I couldn't remember the rest of the night. But Mac was his friend, he didn't need to know what we did when he wasn't around, it's not like it's any of his business anyway. 

Picking up my shoes I headed to the bed and sat with my back to him as I started to put them on, buckling up the little clasp. 

"So what happened to you then?" He asked me. 

Keeping my back to him I shrugged, I was going to tell him if nothing else it would shock him. "I guess if you must know, I guess some of my friends like it a little rougher than I do." I didn't turn to look at him because I knew my eyes were already glassy from the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. It was more because I didn't know what had happened to me. 

I felt his hand on the exposed flesh on my back, "I meant what I said last night."

"Please don't," I said as I did the clasp on the second shoe. 

His hand moved to my shoulder as he moved me I found I was looking at him. As my eyes met him the tears did fall, just like that, I made myself look weak. "What happened to you, Blair?" He leaned forward, his hands touching my face, his right hand on my right cheek the stinging from the bruising undeniably painful. 

I wanted to move away from him but his touch was so intoxicating. "Do you want me in your life, Ben?" I asked him bluntly. I didn't want Ben to not be a part of my life, I didn't want to be part of Leia's life if it meant I would have to watch Ben from the sidelines. 

"I have never lied to you, Blair. I meant everything I ever said to you." His right took hold of mine, "Everything you have ever done, I can live with that." 

"What are you saying?" I asked him as I looked down at his hand holding mine before looking back to his face. 

His left hand's fingers stroked my face as he spoke: "I don't want to live another day without you, Blair."

My mouth almost dropped open at his words before I smiled at him. I turned properly to him putting my legs up on the bed, his hands pulling me closer to him. His hands snaked around me as he held me close, embracing each other for the first time in a long time. 

"I've missed you so much," he whispered in my ear as I put my head on my shoulder allowing him to hold me close to him. 

I smiled to myself, "I've missed you too." I gripped my arms around his neck tightly. I didn't know how I had been without for so long. 

Leia examined my face when I headed to her hotel room, she didn't look best pleased to see me in this state. "Whatever happened to you?" She asked as I stood awkwardly in her hotel room in last night's clothes. 

"This is nothing," I said about my face as I smiled at her. "Look, Leia, I left my bag in here last night."

She picked up my bag from next to her small suitcase and handed it to me. "Where did you sleep last night then? Actually, you can tell me over breakfast, everyone who stayed gets breakfast this morning."

I shook my head, "I don't have time to stay for breakfast, besides I'm not feeling that hungry." I smiled at her as I rifled through my bag checking my phone which had now died. 

Her gentle smile comforted me as she looked at me. "Please don't be a stranger Blair, you know where I live." She was right, I did, I just hadn't visited her before, if I had maybe I would have known about Ben before now. 

"Are we still meeting for coffee on Wednesday?" I asked her as I started to walk towards the door. 

She nodded at me, "Of course we are love. I'll bring Rey. I know you two got along so well last night."

She was right, I had got on with Rey, I liked to think me and her could be good friends. Then I had thought me and Mac were good friends, still, she had drugged me, so I suspected. 

"I have to go," I said as I backed away towards the door. "I'll see you soon."

"Thank you, Blair," she spoke as she hugged me before I left. 

If I didn't get out of there I knew I would probably end up telling her everything. She didn't need that right now. It would be too much for her. It was too much for me. 

Down in the reception area, I picked up the coat I had left in the party room from last night and handed in my room key before I walked outside the front of the hotel. Outside Ben was waiting for me in his black car, just casually waiting. I headed over to his car before opening the passenger side door and getting into the car. 

"Thank you," I said as I put the belt over me and closed the door. 

He looked over at me a smile on his face. I had missed this so much. 

Mafia Baby (Kylo Ren AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon