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Hey everyone sorry that I haven't been updating a ton. I've been kinda busy and I blew my knee out at a wrestling tournament so yeah. Tons of pain! Ugh! Also shoutout to an amazing cover artist who made covers for my two newest books! Mooumo  please follow her she makes amazing book covers. Also I've been having writers block lately, with this book so hope you guys and enjoy!
Word count: 1,302
~Ashton's POV~
I woke up to find a cold empty bed. The sun was shining in my eyes as I groaned. Slowly sitting up I ran my fingers through my hair as I sigh. I need a serious haircut.
"Big time my friend," Kuro barged in to my head as I held my head.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked.

"Well I was talking to Athena's wolf, for some reason her wolf is pissed off. Like wants to kill something not sure what yet. It's unclear..." Kuro sighed a bit, he lays a bit no wonder I felt like a train reck.

I stood up as I felt Kuro was up all night, but oh well I look over at the nightstand seeing a note from my beautiful mate. I picked it up reading it as I smiled softly.

Good morning my love, I didn't want to wake you this morning. I took Athena to visit your parents this morning. I needed to have her get a check up from your mom since she has books about Pure Alpha's. So I will be back later today. Well unless you come over and visit us this afternoon. Oh Jake told me to inform you that tomorrow is the great Alpha meeting with all the packs. I'll be going with you to it. Since I'm the step in alpha while you are the true alpha. *Instert cute giggle here*
I love you!
Sincerely, your mate Claire.

I smiled and set it back down before walking to the bathroom to shower. I needed to relax as my mind wandered. I walked into the bathroom as I stared at the white tub that was large and the shower. Being me I walked to the shower and turned on the hot water. Staring at the mirror scares showed on my back as I began stripping my clothes from my body.
I climbed into the water as I groan from the relaxing feeling of the hot water hitting my back. My mind began thinking about Claire and our mating times. I shake my head as I growled a bit.

"Fuck! Kuro When is the full moon!" I shout.

Kuro startled awake and growled, "it's in three days."

I let out a growl as the Full moon meant that Claire would go full blown heat. I would crave her more and our wolves will be going crazy and fucking each other all the time. I found myself punching the white tile that ran up the walls.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner you Asshole!?" I snapped at Kuro.

"Because you never asked me too, and besides you were busy with your mate and child so be happy at that. Also who the fuck crawled into your ass and died. You seem very pissy today." Kuro snapped at me as he growled.

"I'm pissed because the full moon is in three days and she will be in heat for two fucking weeks!" I shout. "This means that Athena is gonna have to stay at Jake's house for two fucking weeks because Claire and I are going to be laying each other for that long."

Kuro just chuckled as I rolled my eyes finishing my shower. I grabbed a white towel wrapping it around my wait and using a black one to dry my hair as I put it on my shoulders. I walk to the bedroom as I got dressed. I put on a pair of black slacks and a blue polo shirt as I looked in the mirror. I grab my hair trimmers and began cutting my hair on the sides and leaving it long on the top. I rub some gel in it before walking downstairs to the kitchen. I open the fridge door as I pull out some eggs and bacon as I fry some food for myself. I sat down I never realized how quiet it is without my mate or child here.

I got restless as I finished my breakfast as I opened the door. It's weird I didn't here anyone it seemed the whole place was deserted. Slowly I walk out to the training field to see the young members of the packer were fighting against each other as I smirk. My ear heard a twig snapped, but because I was too slow I was tackled by my little pup. She was in her wolf form it wasn't big like an adult and a bit smaller than a newly shifted form. She licked my face as I chuckle.

"You wanna go run Baby is that why you are here?" I ask, Athena nodded her head as I got up. I walked behind a tree as she sat there panting. Her tail was wagging as I shifted and walked out. She trotted over and nuzzled my chest softly. I growl a bit as she cowered.

I was making sure her wolf was submitting to me since she isn't fully the Pure Alpha not until she mates. I growl a bit at the thought of her having a mate of her own. Athena nuzzles me as I nod and she began running. I follow her till we reach a wide field as I smirk and tackled her. Athena barked and dodged as she got in a playful position. Kuro smirked as he did the same as she launched forward at my feet as I push her down. She whined as my head laid on her hers. She was trying to get away as I chuckle.

/Dad let me up!/ Athena whined, loudly through the mind link.

/Not a chance kiddo I'm winning I'm gonna keep it that way./ I chuckled through the mind link. Her wolf struggled before I let her up.

She sprung to her feet as my ears began to twitch hearing my mates beautiful howl from behind me. I turn to see Claire trotting over as she bowed her head and laid next to me. She licks my chin as a loving gesture that I return by licking her ear softly. She purred softly I smirk watching my beautiful roll over to her back her stomach exposed. Athena got in pouncing position as she jumped at her mother. Claire smirked and caught Athena in her paws as she pinned her to the ground with her front paws. Athena whines from under Claire's paws as I chuckle.

My heart felt full and warm watching my pup. I want another one just like her. I think about it for a minute as I wanted another pup. Shoot with Claire I would love to have 14 with her but that is too much at least for her. Leaning my head on my mates back Claire let Athena up. Athena giggled through the mind link slowly she started feeling exhausted and soon laid down fall asleep.

/Baby.../ I say through Claire's and I's mind link.

/Yes my love?/ she purred.

/I wanna another baby.../ I whine.

It went dead silent as I gulp....
Hehe cliff hanger tune in next chapter.
Like I said sorry for the slow updates I've been super busy. Also shoutout to my best friends in wattpad, lunaxkl, hunter-of-the-void, and Mooumo  for my amazing covers. Also I have 2 new books out please enjoy them and I'll see you next time my wolves.

~Lunar The Darkwolf~

~Lunar The Darkwolf~

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