The Outside {edited}

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When I woke up I found myself in a small bright room. When I tried leaning up, my arm rang in pain which brought my attention to the IV tube that was attached to my wrist. I pulled it out and sat up, weighing my head to see if I felt dizzy. When I didn't I exhaled in relief and focused on the healing of the skin on my wrist where the IV was plugged in. Feeling someone's eyes on me, I looked over to find my mate asleep in an uncomfortable chair. His eyes opened and settled on me and when they came into focus, he smiled at me.

"Hey, baby girl, how are you feeling?" His voice was husky when he spokaye. He stood up and came near me. Placing his hand on my hair, he messed it up even more, his fingers travelling down to my cheek. The tingles that ran through me made me shiver. His shirt was tight fitting and I could see every muscle outlined by the shirt.

"I feel better than when I was in that lab. May I ask where I am?" My voice was soft as a whisper and he held my other hand with his left hand, admiring the fingers.

"You're in my territory now, princess. Safe. No one will touch you here. Now, what is your name?" He looked up to my eyes.

"I am Claire." He smiled, placing a small kiss on my hand. He looked up again, biting his lower lip.

"That's a beautiful name. Alright, let's get you some food." His voice was soft as he helped me up. I slid to the edge of the bed before placing my feet on the cold ground."By the way, I'm Ashton." He beamed at me when I stood upright.

"I'll call you Ash!" I exclaimed and we both giggled at my incompetence.

"Very well, my mate." He says as I blushed.

"Umm, Ash can I take a shower first?" I asked.

"Of course, sweetie. Follow me." He smiled and showed me to a huge bathroom.
I walked in to see it was huge compared to the lab I stayed in most of my life.

I smiled and walked into the shower and I turned the hot water on. I stepped in and began enjoying the water, finishing after a while. I stepped out and stared at the scars on my chest and back. I thought they were pretty though. I grabbed two towels and find some clothes on the counter. They were just my size too. I smiled and pulled on the leggings and a baggy long sleeve shirt with a wolf howling and blowing colors out of it. I smiled a bit as I exited the bathroom. Opening the door, I saw Ashton. He had a thick jaw and his black hair was messy. His body was amazing and his muscles were outlined by his shirt. When he sensed me, he looked over and smiled. Walking over, he takes my hand in his and we walked out of the room towards a staircase and he led me towards a kitchen where a man was sitting and drinking coffee. He was all sinewy and muscled which meant he was one of the high ranks.

"Good morning, Alpha." He choked out, looking confused when he saw me by Ashton's side.

"Jake, this is Claire my mate and I hope you treat her with respect." Ashton stated, pulling me close and pressing his forehead to mine. I smiled at Ashton before looking at Jake.

"Hello, Jake." My voice was a bit stronger than before and I felt Ashton shiver from it.

"Hello, Luna." Jake bowed before leaving for patrol, as Ashton mentioned.

We walked into the kitchen when Ashton asked me, "What do you want for food, my love?"

"Frankly, I like anything." I stated and watched him as he crouched down to peer into the fridge.

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