Baby! {Edited}

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Word count: 1,484

5 days before the babies due date

~ 5 days before the due date

~Claire's POV~

"Wow, Ashton has been helping me so much lately and has been telling me that I'm gorgeous even though I have a watermelon for a stomach." Mina laughed at my ridiculous comment.

"Yeah, I noticed that too."

We were folding and placing the baby clothes that we had brought from Target into the closet. A onesie falls on the ground and I bend to pick it up. As soon as I stood up, the baby in my stomach kicked and I gasped loudly, clutching the spot where she had kicked.

"Everything alright!?" Ashton stormed in the room and ran over to me.

"I'm fine the baby just kicked is all and it just hurt." I told what happened and he rubbed the spot where the baby had kicked.

His lips curved up into a smile. "You are the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen."

When I yawned Ashton picked me up and took me to our bed. He placed my head on the pillow and moved us both under the covers. This pregnancy thing was taking its toll on me. He gathered me up in his arms and pressed his lips on my forehead.

After some time I dosed off into deep sleep.

~Ashton's POV~

I watch my beautiful mate fall asleep as I kept running my hand over her tiger stripes (stretch marks). I feel my baby girl kick my hands as she moved around.

I couldn't wait to see her! She would be the perfect Alpha cause both her mother and I were Alphas. Wait, there's something about pure bred Alpha pups that I'm forgetting . . .

My eyes went to the book 'Pure Breds' that was on the third shelf of my bookcase. I slowly slipped from under the covers and took it out. Flipping over to the page where it spoke out Pure breds from Alpha, I read:

A Pure Alpha will be born from two pure Alphas. The child will possess powers of all kind. If the child is a girl she will possess the powers of healing, nature, and mind control. But this will only happen after her 6th birthday. Also, the young adolescent will get her wolf form earlier than her normal coming of age.

The males on the other hand will be just like the girls, but their powers will be those of strength, advanced speed, and combat skills. Sometimes the female can possess the male powers and the male can possess the female powers. But if not grown up right then, their powers can be manipulated and be used for evil deed. The result would not be nice if done so.

I had to step back and I turned to my mate, waking her up so she could read this too. "Baby, wake up you have to read this." I whispered softly, and she rubbed the sleep away from her eyes.

"Can I go pee first?" I chuckled and helped her to the bathroom. After a few minutes my beautiful mate came walking out, fully awake.

"What's up baby?" Her voice was a bright as her skin.

I handed her the book and pointed to the paragraph I had just read. "Read this section right here about our baby."

"That's amazing our baby is gonna have powers? Oh, my God, she's gonna be amazing even without powers!" She exclaimed, giggling and turned to kiss me.

"She will be. What are we doing on her name?" I asked, both of our faces facing the setting sun.

"Well I'm thinking Yazmin or Athena." She spoke, and shivered when I nuzzled her neck.

"How about Athena Faye Clearwater?" I questioned and she smiled, nodding.

"That's a perfect name baby." She giggled, and kissed my head.

~4 days later~

~Claire's POV~
I was sitting in the living room by myself as Ashton was training and only Daren was at the pack house. I stood up and felt like I just peed down my leg but when I looked down it wasn't pee. I gulped and mind linked Ashton, "ASHTON MY WATER JUST BROKE!"

"Are you serious now!? Alright, I'm on my way! I just contacted Jake, Daren, the pack doctor, and Mina! Daren is gonna take you to the Pack Hospital, okay?! Stay calm dear!" His voice was panicked and I looked at Daren while he grabbed the bags and helped me to the car, timing the contractions on his watch.

We arrived soon enough and saw the Doctor and Ashton standing out front. They had a wheelchair ready. Placing me on that, Ashton, the doctor and Daren dashed towards the delivery room. The wind slapped my face and for a millisecond I forgot about the contractions when another wave hit me.

It felt likes days as I was pushing and breathing. Ashton was scared and worried. We were now 11 hours into labor and it was 12:00 pm.. I was shaking and crying as it hurt so bad.

Ashton's hand was blue and black. I had literally bruised his hand and pressed it feebly when I saw black spots. I fought it off as I pushed one more time. Ashton's and my ears perked up and we heard the first cries of Athena. She was crying hard as the doctors cut the umbilical cord. 

As the nurse cleaned her up, Ashton was growling softly. She wrapped her in a blanket and handed her to me. I was panting as tears formed and I kissed Athena's head. Ashton was signing her birth certificate and then, he entered he walked to me and Athena. He leaned down to the little blonde haired girl in my arms and Kuro took control for a minute. I gently handed her over to Kuro as he held her close to put his scent around her, a sign for warning people.

I smiled as Ashton took control and began kissing her head and rocking her. Soon I drifted off to sleep, my exhaustion catching up with me.

~Ashton's POV~

I looked at my little goddess and kissed her head. I looked over to see Claire asleep, sweat still pouring out of her skin. Mina and Daren enter the hospital room quietly and scoop up Athena from my hands after asking for permission. After playing with her a bit, they hand her back to me.

"I'll let the pack know that they can come see you and the Luna tomorrow." Mina whispered.

I nodded in response and put her in a tiny baby crib that had a heat lamp over it.

"Hi, Athena. I'm daddy and your mommy is over there sleeping but don't worry about her. Hehe, I can't believe after 9 months o f waiting for you, you are finally here. God you are so beautiful like your mommy." I cooed and watched as the nurse dressed her properly. She checked her vitals and placed her back in the crib lightly.

Mina took pictures and sent them to everyone in the pack and I could hear my pack congratulating me and Claire. As I heard howls, I opened the window and I see only part of my pack in their wolf forms howling. I smile and looked at Claire who was still asleep. Mina and Daren had left the room.

I walked over to her and put two strands of hair behind her ear. She purred as I kissed her softly on the forehead.

"Thank you so much Claire, you did amazing." I yawned.

It was already 1:00 am and I climbed next to Claire lying down. I felt her roll over and cuddle me. My pride was skyrocketing every second. My eyes felt heavy as I passed out with my heart elated.


~unknown POV~

"She had the child. I can already feel the power of her! She is extremely strong! She could destroy all Rouge forces or even packs!" I could hear my partner as he shouted.

I sat swiveling in my office chair, growling.

My tone was bitter when I spoke. "Hehe, I can't wait to meet you Athena."


Hehe a new character!
Intriguing haha!
Anyway I hope you guys are enjoying it also I'm up to 158 views it's amazing! I really couldn't have done it without help from lunaxkl and the_lovable_dork. They have helped so much please follow them.

Also Luna is writing an amazing book called the Huntress Mate! Please go read it it's amazing! Also she is a great friend she has been helping me through this book during the hard time and the good times.

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed also I would to have my followers send me banners!
My email is!
Any who Vote, Follow, and comment I enjoy your guys comments it brightens my day!
Love you my Wolves!
~Lunar the Wolf~

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