Chapter four

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Hey Guys! I'm back and I am lame as hell. It's been forever since I have updated. I believe that we left off with a confused Shikamaru and a single Neji who is freakin awesome! Also, me no own Naruto. I wish I did tho.


Neji's POV

I can't believe I did that. I asked Him if we could hang out during lunch and asked Him if I could also walk Him home.  Calm down Neji.  Shikamaru is not a god.  He is just a normal person just like yourself.  I need to calm down before he thinks that I am insane, which might be true.  I don't know.  Regardless of where my sanity it, I watch Shikamaru entered his house as his parents were looking at me as if I was one of his newest friend or something. They kept watching me until they turned away. I left as soon as they turned away, feeling way too awkward after they had watched me.  I had never felt that afraid in awhile.  On my way back home, I quickly realised that I had left Hinata by herself at the party.  I mentally hit myself on the head as I quickly walked to my house only to be greeted by my uncle and cousin.

"Neji," my uncle Hiashi started. "Where have you been? I've been waiting for you ever since Hinata came home. By herself.  Do you know how much trouble you are-"

"Uncle!" I shouted. "I'm sorry that I did that, but Uncle. I'm going through a bad time right now." I told him in a quiet voice, realizing that I shouldn't have yelled at my dear uncle.  I looked at him to see his face extremely red.  I immediately regretted yelling at him as it was never good when he was angry.

"What could you possibly be doing that is more important than being with your cousin and bringing her back home safely this late at night?" He asked, getting anger by the second.

"I broke up with Tenten okay!  Everyone saw how cruel I was towards her. I don't even know what to do anymore!" I broke down right in front of my uncle, wishing that I didn't and that I wasn't there.  I fell to the floor just like my tears.  I knew it was wrong for me to show my emotions as it was something that a man shouldn't do, but it was just too much.  I'm confused.  I broke up with Tenten.  I'm sad that I broke up with her that way, but at the same time, I'm happy because I'm finally free of her.  I always thought that she was doing something behind my back, but I didn't think I would be right.  As I stayed on the floor crying, I waited for my punishment from my uncle. I heard him move and still, I waited for him to hit me, slap me. But instead, I felt two arms wrap around me. I open my eyes to see my uncle hugging. He looks at me with concern in his eyes, knowing that I wasn't okay and felt guilty for having me say something like that to him.  I slowly raised my arms and wrapped them around my uncle, trying to find some sort of comfort from him.

"Go to your room Neji. Tomorrow will be a better day for you. Just wait until you see." He tells me. I obeyed my uncle and went to my room. 'I hope he is right' I think to myself. I change into shorts and jumped into bed. 'Maybe Uncle is right.' I think to myself.   I heard a knock on my door and looked to see that it was Hinata.

"Hinata," I said as I slowly sat up on my bed.  "I'm sorry for leaving you back at Naruto's party."  She smiled at me as she walked over to my bed and sat down on the edge.

"Don't worry Neji."  She said.  "You just broke up with Tenten after finding out where she was.  I tried to tell Father what had happened, but he was too upset with you leaving me by myself that he didn't want to hear what happened.  He thought that I was trying to make up an excuse for you so you wouldn't get in trouble with him."  I smiled at her before rubbing my hand on top of her head.

"Thank you, Hinata for trying at least."  I said to her.

"No problem."  She said with a smile.  "We're cousins.  That's what we're supposed to do for each other."

"That's true,"  I said with a chuckle.  "Who brought you home?"

"Oh.  Shino brought me home.  He said he didn't live that far away from us so he offered to walk me home."  I nodded my head at what she said.  Hinata gave me one more smile before giving me a hug.  "I'm always here to help you out Neji.  Please don't forget that.  I want to help you out just as much as you help me out."  I hugged her back before smiling.

"I won't forget Hinata.  Thank you for everything that you and your family has done to help me out."  I said to her.

"Silly.  We're family.  We wouldn't let you live by yourself after Auntie and Uncle died."  She said.  "Good night Neji."

"Good night Hinata."  I let go of her and watched as she left my room.  I laid down on my bed once more before looking up at my ceiling.  I closed my eyes and thought of all the bad things that had happened in my life and then all the good things.  After that, I went to sleep. Hoping for my uncle's words to be true.


This chapter was only meant for Neji. Comment if you feel bad for Neji. His uncle is nice to him. I like it. Until next time! Bye!!!

My baby.   I feel really bad for him.  At least I added in more family interaction for Neji.  He needs that after all and needs to know that he is one hundred percent supported by his family.  Anyways, here is the revision for this chapter.  I made it a bit longer as it was too short for my normal word count.  Hope you enjoyed this.

Published: April 14th, 2015

Revised: June 29th, 2018

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