When the girl was done Obie hugged and kissed her causing the crowd to egg them on. Eli didn't seem fazed by anything. Instead she didn't waste no time before she started rapping causing the crowd to quiet down. Just like her oppenent she delivered some hateful, ego blowing blows verbally and you could tell the other girl was getting angry.

The line that ended everything was about Eli turning her man into her own personal slave. The crowd went crazy and so did the girl. She tried to break away from her man and took a swing at Eli that but missed. The crowd started hyping up the girls to fight. Once Obie had his girl under control she was still mugging Eli who just smiled and stood in her spot, unmoved.

"Shake on it," Matt told Eli causing Obie to agree. Eli held out her hand first, even though the other girl looked like she didn't want anything to do with Eli she quickly shook her hand and so did Obie before the couple walked away. I was about to walk over but the conversation with the group of boys to the left of me caught my attention when I heard them say Eli's name.

"Eli is fine as hall bro," one guy spoke up eyeing Eli too hard in my opinion.
"She aight for a tomboy."

The funny looking guy that spoke up first sucked his teeth. He was tall, thin and wore red, short red dreads in his hair. He was fair skinned and had tattoo's all over him, even a few on his face, "She ain't no fucking tomboy. She just need dick from a real nigga not no fake ass faggots and shit."

After he said that all the guys in his group laughed and he laughed to before continuing on.
"Ya'll laughing but I'm serious. She just a pretty ass girl with boy ways that just need some good dick in her life to bring out that inner girl outta her."

The guys laughed some more but I heard enough and walked away to where the guys were still crowding around Eli. They wanted her to freestyle some more but she was telling them no. She looked happy so I was glader trip down south must have did her some good because she looked light and refreshed and I loved seeing her smile.

"What," she asked pushing Matt away from her as if she had no idea what kind of effect her words had on the guys around her. They were all surrounding her like hungry wolves.

I wanted to see if I could get her alone so that we could talk about what happened a few weeks back. It seems like every time I made some sort of progress with her something happened that sent us ten spaces back. Her dancing with me wasn't much but it was the way she relaxed and melted in my arms. I could tell I had gotten to her but instead of overwhelming her I walked away and a not even an hour later everything went downhill.

A girl had approached me and sparked up conversation with me. I was good with faces and she looked slightly familiar but I didn't remember where I had seen her from until I glanced over to the bar and saw Eli talking to her ex in a heated exchange. I put two and two together and excused myself form her. By the time I could reach Eli, her ex had attacked her.

Security reached them before I did but somehow he broke away from them. By that time I had made my way through the crowd he broke away from security again and I pulled my gun out and pointed it at his head most likely making his life flash before his eyes by the look on his face and the way he threw his hands up. Security dragged him out and I made it clear that him nor his girlfriend or whoever she was to him were never to step foot in my club again.

Realization set in about what I did as they were being escorted out, club goers and my staff had just witnessed me whip my gun out making me regret my actions. I had too much to lose and the last thing I needed was word getting out about what happened and the police showing up to ask questions. I was pissed and I took it out on Eli and for that I wanted to apologize to her personally. I didn't know the whole story about what went down with her ex but I felt like the last thing she needed to be doing was arguing with her ex, let alone while she was on the clock.

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