12-25-11 Writing stuff out helps

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It's Christmas!! Too bad I don't celebrate it. Plus, I like getting presents as a surprise from people who actually want to give me something. But anyways, I'm volunteering at the airport alone & I decided to write down what's been happening this past week because I've been so stressed & depressed & writing stuff out helps me. Which is why I need to write more, but I don't. Poof!! Okay, so I'll start back on last Friday, the 16th. Ginger had a party at her house. I went there kinda' early cause I was volunteering all day, so I stayed there & watched her get all ready & then people started arriving. Each time someone knocked at the door I shouted to them to go away. Lisa then Rey-Rey were first & the Abanos', no actually Aaron & Jane & them were last.

I was kinda' feeling down & then I got my food nausea & felt like hurling, [sometimes when I eat it doesn't sit well with my stomach, even if it's just a bite or two] so I eventually left & went upstairs to Ginger's room & rested on her bed for a little bit. It didn't help that Thomas was there either because he basically ignored me & I avoided him, but stupidly kept notice of where he was. I swear my ears are trained to pick out his voice amongst all the others. So I kinda' hid too I guess. But when I came downstairs everyone was cool & had finished Quelf (best game ever lol) & they were just doing stuff randomly. I flitted around, went up & came down. Samuel & I talked about going to SOMA the next day & I told him how I bribed Brandon with bacon to come. Samuel wanted me to give him the ticket on Sat morning but I told him I had work & Thomas overheard that & was like "You work on Saturday?" So he knows I have another job.

It's so weird not telling him everything & not knowing what he's doing at any given moment...but later, they all started playing Mafia and since I felt sick & weak, I said maybe, but Thomas took that as a no, so I just watched & it was actually pretty funny. Then we all randomly started throwing a football around between Ginger, Samuel, Carlos, me, Logan, Aaron/Thomas (occasionally, they were talking) and Ned & Ronald. We would throw it really quickly around the room & if someone didn't catch it, they had to lick the football. Me, Ronald, Samuel, Logan, & technically Carlos had to lick it, but Carlos took advantage of a distraction & tossed the ball to start it again to get out of the penalty. I accidentally threw the ball towards Thomas & Aaron & hit Thomas in the head & he got really frustrated, but held it in (thankfully. He knows I wouldn't be able to handle him yelling at me) & just said "would you guys please not throw it over here like I said?!" or something along those lines. I said sorry & stopped playing cuz I was embarrassed.

Nothing eventful happened after that. People started leaving & the rest of us played Ninja outside & Jane & I joked that it was evil/black against good/white. [there were two guys that were last in Ninja, one dark and one pale as the moon lol..they started joking around, calling themselves "dark ninja" and "anti-ninja'--bc the pale one would stand out in the dark--and Jane and I started chiming in] In the end though, evil triumphed lol. We all left & I text Thomas apologizing & explaining & we had a miniscule chat before I said night. Saturday/Sunday was the BEST though. SOOO many memories lol. Okay so first I woke up early to go to work training, but when I got home I crashed. I woke up like, right before I was supposed to go to SOMA, grabbed the bacon I'd already cooked (I'm so sick of bacon lol) & got ready & went. Picked up Logan and got there early to get tickets & hand them out. It was so cool, I had sold exactly 17 & technically got 20 people to come, so I am officially the Head of Rouge Ticketing & Redd owes me a shirt & a crown & a wand lol.

The concert was funner than usual because I let go & danced & didn't care. Had a moment of being down, but I tried to brush it off quickly. After, we all went to Sushi Deli which was easier for my group than I thought (my group consisting of Bre & me). It was so weird though cause Thomas & Ronald ended up sitting with us & I told myself I didn't want it to get awkward, so I kinda talked to Thomas & asked him some questions before talking with Bre & wandering from table to table. It was funny being around everyone drinking. I even snagged a couple of sips of Bre's drink. But the best, funniest, most hilarious part was when we all got to the after-after party at Cas' house. When most of the people left at like 10 or 11, Cas turned on Just Dance cause I wanted to dance with her to Beautiful Liar. It was so funny because it was a Shakira dance, & I think Isaac & Neese recorded it.

I was officially named Queen of Hips by Isaac cause I got the dance down perfectly. I'm not sure if Thomas was watching or not, but after that comment he kinda got back into a miniscule-y/jealous/possessive mode, but it was really superbly subconscious I'm pretty sure. But we all had a lot of fun dancing in turns & groups for a couple of hours. Then Isaac brought out Mad Gab & I tried to watch a movie but Thomas stole the tv from me & played on Xbox. So I watched Cas, Isaac, & Neese for a bit. When Cas' roommate went to bed, I pulled down Things & me, Neese, Cas, Isaac, & Kelsi played that until it was a draw. We couldn't decide which was worse for the Thing you shouldn't do on your honeymoon: sex (N) or tai-chi (K). So I went out of the kitchen & asked Thomas & Courtney's opinion which got Thomas playing with us. I picked out all the "interesting" & "fun" cards, (basically the sex ones haha) so with three drunk people, the game quickly got hilarious. Oh! And I reconfirmed my love for Mike's Lemonande.

The Diary Project 2-RelationshipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora