8-10-11 Man I love being out on my own.

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Man I love being out on my own. Even though I have issues with certain aspects of it, it's certainly way better than being w/ one of my parents. I think I can put it down as one of the better decisions I've made in my life :D It's so wonderful knowing I don't have to answer to anyone but my conscience & God. I love feeling so independent & worry free for 90% of the time. It's amazing what a change in your life could make. Especially when it's for the better...I'm so much more confidant and happy & optimistic, even w/ my own life! It's wonderful; even though I have to deal w/ my grandparents and they kinda' make me feel stupid a lot of the time & I want to change jobs. The one catch to moving out> hard labor in hot sun or cold wind three days a week...but hey, I have nice arms now & I'm motivated to work out now. Hence my dropping 10 pounds & losing 2 1/2 pant sizes. I can officially fit into an 11 & I'm comfortable in short shorts!! I'm so happy & confidant & beautiful. I love myself even more as each day goes by...except when I'm PMSing lol. The only problem is that sometimes grandpa makes me feel that he doesn't want me to work for him & sometimes I think he's threatening me. It's weird. And grandma's always trying to manipulate me about stupid things & leaves really obvious notes. But other than that, life is good & happy & I'm losing weight! I've lost 10 pounds & getting slimmer. I can fit into a size 11 now & I finally got short shorts!! But yeah, there's a quick update!

-Rane C.

[My grandparent's owned a house with a loft attached to the side with its own seperate entrance that they rented out to me. I worked for my grandfather 3 days a week: 1 to work off the rent & 2 to make money.]

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