1-5-10 I like Thomas...again

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I love this year. 2010...looks so cool & I grad! :D Holler! (Simone n I's lil' word hahaha) We have a church talent show coming up. I'm singing Good Riddance by Green Day & Samuel's gonna' play guitar. I'm also in a dance routine w/ Simone, her mom, her sister, Ginger and her mom, and Leigh. There's 3 more girls too. I think there's like 16 acts, maybe almost 20 now. They all sounds really funny or entertaining. I'm worried about yawning during my performance. I yawn when I sing. I'm getting closer again to Ginger. [We are on/off with our relationship.] Her & James are my "pet" friend projects right now cuz I don't do well with a ton of friends so I'm trying my best to get back close to them again. Okay, I'm avoiding a subject but I guess I can't any longer...I like Thomas...again. [I used to like him when I was little, but it was a secret and then Keith and I happened...] People (okay like 3) say it's Keith all over again. I'm trying my hardest for it not to be. I've already been down the road of "secret/too young" dating. I'm not gonna do it again! Thomas & I realize we're too young, he's gonna' wait till 20 I'ma wait till 21 or 22. We ain't gonna' date. It will not end up like before. I refuse. The ground rules still apply for me, I don't call him unless I need to know something, it's more of him calling me, I don't touch him much...okay lie. I do tickle him sometimes overtly and we'll hug discriminately and today I gave him like a 30 sec message in the car. [Scandalous!] I like him a lot and he's my best guy friend. I'm really close to him & I want him to always be happy. He's left out constantly. I hate to see him (or any of my friends) in pain. It happens sooo much though. It hurts me every time.

I love how we flirt tho; it's so sexy & seductive (ik, kill me now, I'm acting like a girl). We just stare at each other (I'd never imagine that he could look so cute to me!) I can't keep my eyes off him. When we're and walking, we'll get really close & our arms will hang down & they'll bump into each other & twice our fingers have kinda' like intertwined but we've not held hands & I'm not planning on any more further action. I have feelings for him, I'm not going to act that way on him. I have had the urge to kiss him, which is different than me & Keith. I never really wanted to kiss him, but I crave Thomas' lips for some reason. Actually, I just crave him, his hands, his body. The reason I'm like, kinda' eh about it all is because I know one or both of us is prolly gonna' get disinterested in the other. And my feelings for him are more sexual than anything (altho I will NEVER act those urges or cravings). We've SOOO much in common though, but we have the BIG things to disagree on: children, family size, job, goals (spiritual & worldly). We would not be a good match marriage wise. Personality & view-wise yes a lot, but everything else, no. I don't see this going farther in the future. By my graduation, I doubt I'll like him very much as more than a friend. But we'll see. I'm hott for him now.

Rane C.

[Remember that I'm still not allowed to date, I'm 17 right now, so we were trying to be good...yeah, uh huh.]

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