8-24-10 This is officially my fourth diary!

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Hey! This is officially my fourth diary! And it would be a fantastic feeling of accomplishment if I wasn't gonna' fill it up (this entry) with a bunch of unhappy things. First off, Talia, my adopted, best-friend, sister, is going through hell right now. Her mom comes off as so cool & upbuilding & just...good! Refreshing basically. But in reality, she's this hidden, twisted, monster! I can't believe how unbalanced she is! Okay, among other things in the past, here's what she's doing right now to Talia:

On Friday, Talia had a pool party & it was my family, Abanos, Brad, his gf, & his dad, Paloma, & Sim & her daughter. Okay, so beginning of this year Talia's mom told Thomas that he shouldn't kick Talia in the butt b/c it's disrespecting women, etc...[you know how some friend's will do that side-leg-kick thing and hit their friend's butt?]

So on Friday, to get her attention, Thomas kicked Talia in the butt, b/c he forgot what Talia's mom had said & she WENT OFF on him in front of EVERYONE. It was horrible. And then Talia & her got in a fight two mins later about it and her mom went to touch Talia's shoulder & she shied away b/c she doesn't like being touched there [brought back bad memories for her] and her mom was like "Oh, so you don't like that, but you like being kicked in the butt?!" And I had to turn around b/c I wanted to go off on her! Where does she get off saying that?!? God!

So basically it got hugely blown out of proportion and now Talia's getting sent to the third or fourth therapist in her life b/c her mom says she likes being "abused" since her father wasn't a good family man & her mom is saying Thomas is "abusive & disrespectful to women & doesn't know how to treat them" and she's ALSO saying that Talia's "attitude problem" is b/c she's been hanging out with ME & that I'm a bad influence so now I'm not allowed to hang out with Talia. My twin-sister-best-friend-forever just got torn away from me & I'm crying on the inside everyday now. I honestly don't know what to do.

I just told my dad yesterday & he said he'd talk to the Abanos. But that won't help b/c Talia's mom has to be right 100% of the time, so now that she has the idea of me being bad for Talia, no one saying anything will get her to change her mind. I'm done. I've officially lost Talia.

-Rane C.

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