7-2-10 It was sooo nice!

26 1 0

Man, I just got another memory! Thomas, Leigh, & me were in the car driving to Panda Country for lunch on our break and Thomas was sitting in the front & me in the back behind Leigh who was driving. So we started playing Taxi and I would reach  forward & punch his arm & he would put his arm back around the drivers chair & hit my leg/knee. Well he kept getting them all (I let him & gave up lol) & so he just kept his hand on the back of Leigh's headrest & then would slide it down & hit my leg. Well I couldn't resist, so I learned forward & kissed the back of his hand. He turned around to look at me when he saw me move forward, so when I was smiling & leaning back, he was looking at me smiling. Hehe, & then a couple minutes later, I put my hand up on top of his and laced my fingers through his. He kinda' let his arm go limp so I guide it down to my lap & hold his hand properly. Well, he doesn't want Leigh to know so he still calls out Taxi's & stuff and slaps my leg kinda'. But then I can tell that he's getting tired of it cuz he takes longer pauses and started to barely move his arm when he does move it.

It was super nice b/c he was rubbing my fingers & he did something I never thought of: he took his pointer finger & traced all my fingers down to in between & then back up to the next finger's tip & up & down until he felt all of them. It was sooo nice! And sweet! Ugh! I want to be with him so badly right now! It's not fair! But I have to be strong. At least for 3 more yrs...Talia came down for volunteering today with me. We're such twins! She likes Ronald now & he likes her back! Sheez. We'll be sister-in-laws lol I'm jus kidding totally. [No, I totally was not.] I have no idea whether or not we'll all end up together & I ain't making any bets after Keith...ugh.

But anyways, she's the only person I show/tell my true feelings about anything & everything. True, we talk a lot about boys, but we also talk about serious things like the future & what our lives would have been like it our parents hadn't split up. [I miss her. We haven't been friends for two years now.]

-Rane C.

[My friends call it my "superpower", but I just want to point out that I totally called Ronald and Talia...I even told her that they'd come back from that camping trip and have something haha. Look what happened.]

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