Bonus Parts(Adrien and Keith)

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Adrien P.O.V

She was terrifying, from the wings that shot out of her back to the black blood flowing through her veins. I can't get that image of her out of my head. Even though she scared me with her true form, I still think she's amazing and nothing will change that. I can say as long as she's not as depressed as she was that night at the park. I can't imagine the pain and self hate going through her mind. Sure, she seems different now but that doesn't change the fact that she was able to beat herself up mentally and have none of us notice it.

"Hey, Adrien, if you don't mind me asking but what really happened that night we found you and Star at the park?" Tyler questions.

"Well, I decided to meet her at the park. I was given a job by her father to kill her—normally you don't want to kill the person you spent your entire childhood trying to protect. I don't know why but I felt a very strong sense of hatred towards her as she walked up to me that night. I went to tell her what her father told me before his death, but it seems like that's not what happened. I remember her handing me a knife and her hands where shaking. After that, everything went dark, and I can honestly say I don't know what happened," I explain.

"I see," he mumbles,"you would never hurt Star no matter what the circumstances may be—right?"

"Yeah, I guess," I reply. I've never really thought about it. Would I ever hurt Star? Not willingly, even on that night she handed me that knife I didn't want to hurt her. She already looked so hurt, not physically, mentally. If the others saw how she looked, they wouldn't know what to do—just like me. I stood there clueless, holding the knife, until my vision went black. All I could do was listen to these demonic sounding whispers and the terrified screaming of a young girl. They scared me a lot more than Star's true form.

"What the fuck do you mean I'm in detention for the next two weeks?!" Star shouts from the other room,"I wasn't the only one you know that! No-No I understand I'm new to town so I get treated differently! I'm not a dumbass, I know how this shit works!"

She's been on the phone since we got to her house. She seems to be taking to someone of authority from our school. I can tell that the main building knows nothing about her. Each time a mention her they say she's a troublemaker and that I should stay away from her, but she's really just a helpless teenage girl. She hasn't change a lot since childhood.

I remember her black hair in two messy pigtails. She was helpless and showed up with a new bruise or cut each day. Both eyes were exposed. She always seemed to talk about her blue eye as if it was the source of all evil. Brock was the only person she talked to all the time, but she would talk to me every once in a while. Her voice was soft and shaky. She was young and helpless, and I hate myself for leaving her and going back to France.

"Hey, dumbass, I have detention because I exposed magic to the school and caused chaos," Star says breaking my train of thought.

"So that's why you were so pissed on the phone," I replied.

"Yeah, they piss me off," she mutters.

"Do you want me to get in trouble so you're not alone?" I ask.

"Nah, you don't need to do that, blueberry,"she answers,"I'm used to being alone."

I continue to talk to her as the rest of the day passes. I lose track of time each time we talk. I seriously don't know why but I don't seem to mind her calling me names or having her occasionally punch my arm. I actually find it quite cute.

Keith's P.O.V

I'm glad to see Kat back to her usual happy self. It's hard for me to believe that only a few days ago she hid in her room with nothing to eat. She wouldn't leave and I had no clue how to help her. I actually worried about someone for the first time in a long time. I used to just think that I would never worry about anything but then she showed up and proved me wrong. I was seen as the quiet guy at the back of the class, no one knew I was there. Well, until Kat showed up. Ever since that day we have been great friends. She's so bright that when she was overwhelmed by the darkness I got really scared that she wouldn't return. I was afraid I would lose her to the pain she held within, the pain that lurked behind her bright smile. No one wants to lose a friend. She helped me realize that not every bright smile is a happy. Kat not only hid her pain, she hid it so well none of us knew about it. It absolutely terrifies me every time she looks at me with doubt in her eyes.

"Stop worrying, Keith. It's not like anything like that will happen again, she has you," Ty states.

"What do you mean by that?" I question.

"You'll find out eventually, it's a surprise for you to find out with the hits that she drops," Ty explains.

Is he crazy? What in the world does he mean by that? I get he knows more about everyone and the way they are because he can read minds but he seriously enjoys messing with everyone's minds. Sometimes I believe he enjoys living his life like it's in third person. He's a very strange guy. He has ash grey hair, narrow purple eyes, and tan skin, but the strange part about him is his personality. He likes to mess with people, mentally, and he also seems to be from a different planet at times. I understand his culture is different from ours, but culture isn't the weird thing. I can't grab ahold of his personality, nor can I explain who he is as a person.

"Keith! Who was that one booger headed guy I threw at the teacher?" Kat questions.

"Kevin?" I guess.

"Oh, yeah I hate Kevin!" she shouts,"he's so annoying!"

Kat continues to rant about her hatred for Kevin. When she rants she will randomly stop and look at me to be sure that I was paying attention. I made sure to always listen to her rants or goofy stories. She always seems to have something to say. I can't imagine a time where she's completely silent. Even when she's focused she will mumble spells and position recipes to herself. We both share the power of the shadows and evil but we are trained to use it for good. She truly cares for every bit of life, with her father as an exception, on earth. Kat's words may seem endless to some but to me I feel she could talk longer. Her stories are always interesting and I enjoy listening to them.

"It was a relief when he transferred schools," Kat finishes her rant.

"I could tell, when the teacher said he left your eyes lit up and I feel like the class got brighter," I state.

"Well, when someone you don't like changes schools you will understand the joy," she replies.

We just laugh a little bit as we be ready to leave Star and Brock's house. We walk together until we are forced to part ways. I wave goodbye ad I walk down my street. She continues on down the street as waving goodbye and smiling. I'm glad she's doing well and I hope I can be there for her the next time something happens.

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