Star 3

2 1 0

(1 day till talent show)

"Shit! I knew it would end up like this. We receive two weeks off and we fall apart and get nothing done!" I exclaim as I pace across my room.

"It's not like it will take much to win the sophomore part of the talent show. The only thing we need to do it win the overall thing. We agreed on a song now we need to break it up and see who will be singing what parts and then add our own twist," Kat explains as she watches me.

I sit down on the floor and start drawing out my plan for our performance. We will have them slowly roll up giant photos toward the end of the song, making it to where the crowd can't see us. Then we destroyed them using our magic at the end our the song. I can't say this is a winning performance but I don't think anyone else has two pictures of two terrible people that ruined their lives in their performance. That gives us individuality and character. I honestly am very excited for this dumb talent show because I can finally get a break form hell... I mean school... whatever their the same thing to me.

We finalize the planning needed for our performance as everyone returns from school. Keith had stopped by a few times today but only stayed for a minute or so. Everyone else were most likely working at the Fall Festival. My mother came home early and made snacks for Kat and I. I didn't think planning would involve so much work.

"Hey Star! Your mom wants to see you, she has a crap ton of costumes and things so I'm taking a random guess and saying Kat should go too," Adrien states.

Dammit! Why the hell didn't she bring the costumes when she came to check on me for the 26 fucking time. Seriously I love my mom don't get me wrong but ever since I got back from the hospital it has been no privacy for Star. I can't even sleep without being woken up by her opening my door in the middle of the fucking night. Sure, if you're daughter was found a the edge of death you will want to keep a closer eye on her but not this much.

As Kat and I walk to the living room I can her her debating whether she should play Xbox or practice. I think about settling her debate but it's too funny for me to want to stop. We arrive at the living room and I look at the long line of costumes. They range from pink dresses to black and red sweatpants and jackets.

"You can mix and match. Before you ask, yes, they are all fireproof and able to have wings sprout out the back," she explains.

"Thanks mom, but I don't see why you couldn't bring these to use when you came home for lunch," I reply.

I scavenge through the clothes putting an outfit together. Piece by piece we find the perfect outfit. They look like what I normally wear but with a flashy element. I'm not excited to wear the shoes I've picked out, but I can't say Kat isn't excited to see me struggle to walk. The look like normal shoes but they are heels at the same time. I honestly just want to be able to look Kat in the eyes for once in my life.

"Hey Star! If I dress like you does that mean I have to wear makeup like you? It looks bold but I'm not the kind of girl who wears makeup-" I cut Kat off as she stars to ramble.

"No you don't need to wear makeup if you don't want to," I reassure her.

"Good! The most I'll allow is the powder stuff that goes on your eyes," she explains.

"Eyeshadow?" Rose questions.

"Yeah! That stuff!" Kat shouts.

Everyone stars talking so I sneak into my room with my outfit for tomorrow. I pull out a big, black briefcase from under my bed. I slowly open it and stare at my wonderful collection of knives. Each of them has a story and I don't feel safe around people I don't know so I always carry one around with me. I hear someone creep down the hallway so I quickly grab a knife and close the briefcase. I gently slide the case under my bed and set the knife beside it. With everything that has been happening I'm always on edge. The footsteps come to an abrupt stop right outside my door. They slowly creek open my door. It was Adrien but he wasn't himself.

His eyes aren't their usual light grey color. He has lost all color from his skin. He just isn't Adrien. The only thing that is normal about him is his deep blue hair and his clothes. Last time he looked like this I woke up in a hospital. I have to snap him out of this before something happens. I don't know what to do so I grab his ice cold hand and throw him onto the floor. I don't know if the pain helped or the shock of being taken down by a girl. I guess the sound of him hitting the floor made everyone concerned, because they sprinted down the hall and stared at him.

"What the hell happened?" Brock questions.

"Hey! Pg 13 you fucking dumbass!" Kat shouts making all of us die laughing, "do you all think I'm lying?"

"He scared me so I threw him onto the ground," I explain. Everyone continue laughing and I glance at Adrien. He doesn't seem to have a clue what just happened. I just smile at him then help him up. Hanging out with these weirdos have helped me realize no matter how bad your past is you can find happiness eventually if you just keep fighting. I will never tell them this but they all mean the world to me, even if they try to kill me or wish I would go see my dad in hell, I give them all my respect and care.

"You never smile, Star. Why are you smiling now?" Kaden asks.

"No reason, I just felt like smiling," I reply.

"The world is coming to an end!" Ty shouts.

Just as I said before these weirdos mean the world to me.

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