Chapter |8|

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Lauren's point of view:

I sat at my desk continuing to grade papers after Y/n had walked out of the room seemingly upset, and I couldn't help but rethink of how that conversation had gone.


The door to my classroom had shut and I saw in my peripheral vision the familiar Y/H/C lock the door before approaching me at my desk.

Not taking my eyes off of a students test I spoke, "What do you want, Ms.Y/L/N?"

I'm not in the mood to speak to her right now, you would think that not giving her the attention she desires would give her a hint that I am quite unhappy with her at the moment. Yet here she is.. still trying to test my patience.

"Why are you acting so cold towards me?" Y/n quizzed and I could feel the tension that was in the room between us.

Writing an 86 on a test I flipped it over before finally looking the younger girl in the eyes, she had looked so confused and lost.

"Are you here to speak to me about your work or are you just here to waste my time?" Those words had left my mouth so harsh I instantly wanted to take them back when I saw the hurt that was on the beautiful girls face in front of me.

Y/n had cleared her throat frowning as she looked down at her hands then glanced up at me, "No, sorry for wasting your time, Ms.Jauregui. See you later."

I watched as she turned her back on me heading to the door and unlocking it, she never looked back when she walked out that door leaving me to feel like a horrible person for acting that way towards her.

-End of flash back to earlier-

I am upset with her for being rude to me before class only because I was trying to care for her, she could've gotten hurt or worse and I couldn't have done anything. But I do realize being so harsh with her back had done more harm than I had intended.

My second period started not so long after the conversation with Y/n and I couldn't stop thinking about how rude I was towards her, I don't know why I feel so bad, after all she is my student.

The rest of the day went really slow, which I guess was a plus on my half because I couldn't bare to see the look of sadness on Y/n's face. But now that the school day was over I could finally go home, but I have to wait for Y/n, I haven't seen her all day and I have been waiting outside by my car for her for about twenty minutes yet she hadn't shown up yet.

I was looking at the school doors waiting to see if Y/n would walk out of the doors so we could finally go home, but as I was waiting I saw her friend Kevin who was also one of my students in my first period class walk out of the doors and I called his name.

Walking up to him he seemed confused as to why I was calling for him, "Yes, Ms.J?"

"Um," I began running a hand through my hair only for my hair to fall back in my face, "Have you seen Ms.Y/L/N? I need to speak with her about her work."

"Yeah, she went to work... although her shift doesn't start for another two hours. She has been upset all day so I think she might want to work it off to get it off her mind." Kevin explained not going much into detail about what is upsetting Y/n but I can connect the dots perfectly fine.

"Yeah, thank you. I'll just wait to see her tomorrow. Do you know what time she usually gets off of work? Just curious about the whole situation."

"Well she's normally supposed to get off of work at 9 on school nights but if she goes in earlier like so, she would probably get off around 7?"

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